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Chapter 2 Research, Treatment, and Points of View: Historical Perspectives Clinical Neuroscience by Kelly Lambert and Craig Howard Kinsley.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Research, Treatment, and Points of View: Historical Perspectives Clinical Neuroscience by Kelly Lambert and Craig Howard Kinsley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Research, Treatment, and Points of View: Historical Perspectives Clinical Neuroscience by Kelly Lambert and Craig Howard Kinsley

2 Emergence of the Brain as the Controlling Center of Behavior, Emotions, and Thought Head, Heart, and Mind–Body Problem Hippocrates: Heart of mental functions Hippocrates: Heart of mental functions Galen: Spirit of mental functions Galen: Spirit of mental functions René Descartes: Body meets mind René Descartes: Body meets mind

3 Emergence of the Brain as the Controlling Center of Behavior, Emotions, and Thought (cont.) Localizing Functions in the Brain Thomas Willis: Pioneer of brain functions Thomas Willis: Pioneer of brain functions Franz Joseph Gall: Rise and fall of phrenology Franz Joseph Gall: Rise and fall of phrenology Paul Broca: Localization of language Paul Broca: Localization of language

4 Emergence of the Brain as the Controlling Center of Behavior, Emotions, and Thought (cont.) Pioneers of Cellular Investigations in the Brain: The Architects Camillo Golgi: Revealing neuronal structure with the perfect stain Camillo Golgi: Revealing neuronal structure with the perfect stain Santiago Ramón y Cajal: Providing evidence for the neuron doctrine Santiago Ramón y Cajal: Providing evidence for the neuron doctrine Charles Scott Sherrington: Describing the synapse Charles Scott Sherrington: Describing the synapse

5 Emergence of the Brain as the Controlling Center of Behavior, Emotions, and Thought (cont.) Pioneers of Cellular Investigations in the Brain: The Chemical Engineers Otto Loewi: Dreaming of chemical communication Otto Loewi: Dreaming of chemical communication Edgar D. Adrian: Amplifying the electrical language of the neuron Edgar D. Adrian: Amplifying the electrical language of the neuron

6 Neurological Approaches to Mental Illness Mental Illness Meets the Microscope Jean-Martin Charcot: Birth of Neurology

7 The Investigators: Eric Richard Kandel: From Studying the History of Neuroscience to Becoming the History of Neuroscience

8 Biological Therapies for Mental Illness Early Biological Treatments Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) The Drug Revolution Psychosurgery

9 Importance of a Therapeutic Environment Phillip Pinel and the Fall of the Asylum Behaviorism: A Different Type of Therapeutic Environment Beyond Behaviorism: Rethinking the Role of Mental Processes in Mental Health

10 Profiling the Pioneers of Clinical Neuroscience

11 Summary

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