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C LIMATE 5 th Grade Weather Unit. C LIMATE G RAPHS.

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1 C LIMATE 5 th Grade Weather Unit


3 C LIMATE VERSES W EATHER  Climate is the average weather (temperature and precipitation) over time  Weather is the conditions at a specific time and place.  Factors that describe climate: temperature and precipitation (wind, latitude, distance from coast, mountain ranges, and ocean currents)  You can describe the climate by the plants that grow in the region

4 T YPE OF C LIMATE R EGIONS  Polar  Temperate  Cold/Hot  Wet/Dry  Tropical  Biomes

5 C LIMATE CAN BE AFFECTED BY …  Latitude: Polar zone, temperate zone, tropical zone  Bodies of Water  Winds and Ocean Currents  Altitude: Mountains and Rain Shadows

6 C LIMATE C HANGE  What is it? WEBSITEWEBSITE  Causes: sun spots, changes in movements of air or water currents, creation or deletion of new water and land masses, volcanoes, human pollution  Effects: global warming (greenhouse effect), El Nino and La Nina, increase in severe storms

7 H OW DOES CLIMATE AFFECT YOU ???  Seasons  Clothing  Activities  Biome (plants and animals)  Agriculture

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