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PARCC Workshop February 29, 2016. Welcome! Presenters Mr. Baskerville Joann Abbate Kristen Gati Kelly Nickels Schedule Opening Break Out Sessions Q&A.

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Presentation on theme: "PARCC Workshop February 29, 2016. Welcome! Presenters Mr. Baskerville Joann Abbate Kristen Gati Kelly Nickels Schedule Opening Break Out Sessions Q&A."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARCC Workshop February 29, 2016

2 Welcome! Presenters Mr. Baskerville Joann Abbate Kristen Gati Kelly Nickels Schedule Opening Break Out Sessions Q&A

3 Review: What is the PARCC The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers PISA (Program for International Student Assessment)-65 Nations (Ed. Systems) in 2013. America 30 th in Mathematics, 20 th in Reading, and 23 rd in Science. PARCC is a coalition of states that are working to create and deploy a standard set of K-12 assessments in Math and English Language Arts. Within PARCC, a group of states base the content of these assessments on what it takes to be successful in college and careers in the future. These examinations will also coincide with the full range of the Common Core State Standards Initiative to make certain that standards are present in classrooms.

4 Most Recent PARCC Updates  The Spring 2016 Administration of the PARCC assessment has combined the Performance Based Assessment (PBA) and End-of-Year (EOY) into one testing window.  Parents will receive a Individual Student Reports of their child(ren)’s performance.  Results expected in Sept/Oct of 2016  Parents/Guardians will receive a district letter with specific information regarding dates and times of your child’s class testing schedule, as well as make-up testing dates.  Answers are on-line for Practice Tests.   Any questions regarding CCSS and PARCC can be sent to, subject CCSS or

5 Test Design Changes – Fewer Test Units

6 TESTING DATES/TIMES  LAL/MATH (April 4-May 13)-Includes Make-Ups  Grandview will start on April 5th  9:15-10:55  Each class 7 days within this window  Written communication from Central Office and Grandview School

7 TESTING TIMES  Administration Time is the total time that schools should schedule for each unit. It includes the unit testing time and the approximate times for administrative tasks such as reading instructions to students, answering questions, distributing test materials, closing units, and collecting test materials (shown in Table 2.0 below).  Example: When the unit testing time is 75 minutes, schools might schedule a total of 100 minutes: 15 minutes for reading directions + 75 minutes of testing + 10 minutes for closing the unit.

8 TESTING TIMES  Unit Testing Time is the amount of time that must be provided to any student who needs it to complete the unit.  If all students have completed testing before the end of the unit testing time, the unit may end. Once the unit testing time has been reached, the unit must end, except for students with extended time accommodations.

9 UNIT TESTING TIMES GRADE 3UNIT 1UNIT 2UNIT 3UNIT 4TOTAL TIME MATH 60 Minutes 4 Hours LAL 90 Minutes75 Minutes90 Minutes 4.25 Hours

10 Place a purple frame around images PARCC uses five performance levels that delineate the knowledge, skills, and practices students are able to demonstrate: Level 1: Did Not Yet Meet Expectations Level 2: Partially Met Expectations Level 3: Approached Expectations Level 4: Met Expectations Level 5: Exceeded Expectations Five Performance Levels

11 Performance Level Setting: What’s Next Parent Score Report Parents will receive their student’s score report for this year’s assessments in the fall or maybe sooner. Each student’s score report will indicate which performance level he or she falls into based on the score received. The report is intended to help parents work with their child’s teachers and school officials to decide how best to support their child’s needs. In future years, it is expected that parents will receive score reports by the end of the school year in which testing took place. Place your logo here

12 Math Practices 1. Make sense of problems and preserve in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

13 Overview of PARCC Task Types Mathematics 4 units LAL 3 units




17 Resources Using the Piscataway Township Website

18 1.Go to 2.Select “Parent Center” 3.Select “PARCC Information”

19 1. Click on PARCC FAQs


21 PARCC Tutorial and Practice Tests

22 1.Go to: /assessments/practice-testsGo to: /assessments/practice-tests 2. Select “quick tutorial”




26 PARCC Readiness Common Core Curriculum Technology Readiness/Integration 21 st Century Learning PUTTING IT TOGETHER

27 WHAT GRANDVIEW IS DOING!  PBL (Project-Based Learning)  Digital Literacy  EduTyping  Laptops Technology Readiness/Integration

28 Laptop Cart Program What is done during time with carts? Technology readiness/integration Technology Readiness/Integration

29 Digital Literacy Program Added exposure to technology integration Emphasis on PARCC readiness skills Technology readiness/integration Technology Readiness/Integration

30 Common Core Curriculum  Go Math  Readers/Writers Workshop  District and School Assessments to monitor progress  Data Disaggregation Common Core Curriculum

31 21 st Century Learning Skills  National and state educational goals include preparing students for careers and for college, where 21st- century skills are essential for success.  For example, one of the Language Arts standards for grade six states that a student should be capable of producing and publishing what they write using a computer and the internet.  To collaborate with project teams to solve problems? How do we teach them to use the internet to locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media?  How do we ensure our students are good digital citizens? What are some best practices for technology integration?  We are striving to prepare our students for success on the PARCC assessment by implementing digital learning in our classrooms, challenging students to think critically, differentiating instruction for a diversity of learning experiences, and fostering confidence among our students in their knowledge and skills. 21 st Century Learning Skills

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