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Chapter 6- How to Talk about Science and Scientists Sessions 11-13.

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1 Chapter 6- How to Talk about Science and Scientists Sessions 11-13

2 Session 11- Basic 10 Words Anthropologist- studies the development of mankind Astronomer- studies planets, stars, galaxies, anything in space Geologist- studies the earth and how it’s made Biologist- studies all living things Botanist- studies all plant life Zoologist- studies all animal life Entomologist- studies insects Philologist- studies language Semanticist- studies the meanings of words, and the psychological effects they have on people Sociologist- studies family and community structures and customs Exercises- pg. 119-120

3 Session 12-Follow Along pg. 120 Anthropos- Greek- ??? Logos- Greek- science or study Astron- Greek- star Nomos- Greek- arrangement, law, order Astrology- a person who studies the influence of stars and planets on human behavior Nautes- Greek-sailor Astronaut- English- one who literally sails among the stars Kosmos- Greek- universe Cosmonaut- English/Russian- synonym to Astronaut Naus- Greek- ship Nautical- English- anything related to sailing, ships, or the sea Nausea- English- to feel sea-sick; sick to your stomach

4 More Stars Aster- English- a star-shaped flower Asterisk- English- a star-shaped symbol * Astrophysics- English- the branch of physics dealing with heavenly bodies Disaster- English- see pg. 112 Autos- Greek- self Autonomy- English- self-governing Metron- Greek- measurement Metronome- English- a tool used to keep time in music

5 The Earth and Its Life- pg. 122 Ge/geo- Greek- earth Geometry- English- branch of math that deals with measurements and properties of shapes and figures Graphein- Greek- to write Geography- English- study of mapping (writing) the earth Ergon- Latin- work George- English name- farmer Bios- ??? Biography- English- writing about someone else’s life

6 More life Autobiography- English- the story of a person’s life written by oneself Opsis/optikos- ??? Biopsy- English- a medical examination (view) of living tissue Autopsy- English- medical examination of a corpse to determine what caused its death Botane- Greek- plant Zoion- Greek- animal Zodiac- English- a diagram, used in astrology, of the paths of the planets and stars, containing Latin names for animals Scorpio- Latin??? Leo-??? Cancer- Latin- crab Taurus- Latin- bull Aries- latin- ram (as in a male sheep) Pisces- Latin- ??? Exercises- 125-129

7 Session 13- Cutting in and out pg. 129 En- Greek- in Tome- Greek- a cutting Sectus- Latin- to cut Insect- English- a six-legged, three-sectioned creature, usually with an exoskeleton Ek/ec/ex- Greek- out Tonsillectomy- English- to cut out ??? Appendectomy- English- to cut out ??? Mastectomy- English- to remove the breast tissue Hysterectomy- English- to remove the uterus Prostatectomy- English- to remove the prostate

8 More cutting Kentron- Greek- center Eccentric- English- out of the center; deviating from “normal” behavior Atom- English- at one time thought to be the smallest particle of an element Anatomy- English- the structure of the body Tome- English- a heavy, large, usually dull book Dicha- Greek- in two Dichotomy- English- split in two parts Epi- Greek- on, upon Epitome- English- the essence or representative of a larger part

9 Love and Words- pg. 131 Logos- Greek- science, study, word, or speech Philein- Greek- to love Lingua- Latin- tongue Linguistics- English- the science of language Philanthropy-English- the love of mankind Andros- Greek- male Philanderer- English- one who is promiscuous, who has extramarital affairs Sophos- Greek- wise Philosophy- English- the love of wisdom Adelphos- Greek- brother Philadelphia- English- the city of brotherly love Harmonia- Greek- harmony Philharmonic- English- love or music Philter- English- a love potion Aphrodite- Greek- Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodisiac- English- anything that arouses passion or desire Biblion- Greek- book Bibliophile- English- loves to collect books Anglus- Latin- English Anglophile- English- someone who loves all things from Great Britain

10 How People Live Socius- Latin- companion Com- prefix- with or together Panis- Latin- bread Associate, social, socialize, society, sociable, etc. Anti- prefix- against Antisocial- English- actively dislikes people and behaves in ways that may harm people Asocial- English- one who is withdrawn from people, perhaps shy and introspective; indifferent from society Exercises- pg. 135-137

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