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Russia’s history Settled by the Vikings Raided by Mongols Ruled by absolute Monarchs called Czars.

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Presentation on theme: "Russia’s history Settled by the Vikings Raided by Mongols Ruled by absolute Monarchs called Czars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russia’s history Settled by the Vikings Raided by Mongols Ruled by absolute Monarchs called Czars

2 War brings it down A series of bloody defeats in war leads to the last Czar leaving the throne in 1917 A democratic government under Alexander Kerensky is set up

3 Peace, land and bread Kerensky’s government kept fighting the war (World War I) Vladimir Lenin promised to end the war and to feed the Russian people if they overthrew Kerensky Lenin’s followers were the Bolsheviks and would later become the Communists

4 The USSR (CCCP) Lenin transformed Russia into the industrialized society that is the Soviet Union No more Russia, it would be called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

5 And then Fanya Kaplan messed it all up. In late 1918 a disgruntled revolutionary named Fanya Kaplan shot Lenin in the spine He didn’t die until 1924 but this certainly caused his premature death which led to a power struggle after he died

6 Lenin dies! 1924 Power struggle ensues between Leon Trotsky and Josef Stalin. Stalin wins and becomes the leader of the USSR Stalin is a very paranoid person and conducts many purges of government and the military The Soviet Union is invaded by Nazi Germany in 1941


8 The war ends, cold war starts USSR becomes the dominant power in Eastern Europe They commit great resources to defeating the United States in the cold war.

9 The collapse of the USSR Reasons 1. The U.S. out spent the USSR. 2. The USSR wasn’t able to hold onto their Warsaw pact allies when those countries revolted 3. Costly war in Afghanistan 4. People had a taste of freedom with Glasnost and Perestroika reforms, when these were threatened with removal the people wouldn’t stand for it

10 Perestroika- restructuring of political and economic life. Under this policy McDonalds opens in Moscow, the size of the Legislature is reduced and political parties other than the Communist party are allowed Glasnost- “Openness”- increased tolerance for dissent and freedom of expression

11 Russia today A Constitution was created in 1993 after the 1991 collapse The Constitution guarantees every Russian citizen Housing, free medical care and education

12 Political Parties Communist party- still exists in Russia today Liberal Democratic Party- (actually a right- wing party despite the name) Liberal Russia- Center Left

13 The Russian Presidency Appoints the Prime Minister, who is the second in Command and first successor Is elected by popular vote to a four year term and may not serve more than two terms Must be 35 years of age A resident of Russia for 10 years

14 President= Vladimir Putin Prime Minister= Dmitry Medvedev

15 The Federal Assembly Upper House- Council of the Federation- 178 members two from each of Russia’s 89 regions Lower House- State Duma more powerful 450 members, called Deputies.

16 The Duma Any measure rejected by the Council but approved by 2/3 vote of the Duma passes The Duma must also approved the Prime Minister appointment

17 Constitutional Court 19 Members that are elected to 12 year terms Can declare the actions of President, and assembly unconstitutional and rule on the legality of laws

18 Governments Russia is divided into regions called oblasts (49 of them) 6 territories 21 Republics 10 Autonomous regions


20 Issues currently facing Russia Human Rights Racism U.S. Missile Defense/NATO The War in Chechnya 2008 Georgia-Russia war

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