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Incorporating the use of massage. Session Objectives During the session you will: Be aware of causes of stress Know how to calculate your own stress score.

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Presentation on theme: "Incorporating the use of massage. Session Objectives During the session you will: Be aware of causes of stress Know how to calculate your own stress score."— Presentation transcript:

1 Incorporating the use of massage

2 Session Objectives During the session you will: Be aware of causes of stress Know how to calculate your own stress score Have an insight into the benefits of massage Develop massage techniques to treat colleagues and self Practice relaxation techniques

3 The picture on the next slide has 2 identical dolphins in it. It was used in a case study on stress levels at St. Mary's Hospital. Look at the identical dolphins jumping out of the water. A closely monitored, scientific study revealed that, in spite of the fact that the dolphins are identical, a person under stress would find differences in the two dolphins. The more differences a person finds between the dolphins, the more stress that person is experiencing. Look at the photograph and if you find more than one or two differences you may want to take a holiday.


5 Seated Stress Massage Stress management through massage is becoming a regular occurrence in larger companies who understand the importance of investing in the health of their workforce. If a person does not feel physically well then their mental health will suffer and vice versa. A small amount of stress is good for us, however larger levels of stress can cause various health problems.

6 Group Task Can you think of some common causes of stress?

7 C Hargreaves-Norris Stress Relationships Work load Time constraints Personal image Environmental factors Chemical factors Finances Health & Diet Stress

8 Holmes-Rahe Stress Scale To measure stress according to the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, the number of "Life Change Units" that apply to events in the past year of an individual's life are added and the final score will give a rough estimate of how stress affects health. Score of 300+: At risk of illness. Score of 150-299+: Risk of illness is moderate (reduced by 30% from the above risk). Score 150-: Only have a slight risk of illness.

9 Strategies for coping with stress Quick Group Task Consider ways of coping with stress in both school/work and home life.

10 Strategies for coping with stress Better control of college life: Leaving earlier for school/work in the morning Prioritising the days activities Setting achievable targets Completing one task before starting the next Taking time out for breaks Making lists Using mobile phone to remind you of important things Good organisation – computer and files Effective use of leisure time and home life: Taking time out for leisure/social activities Taking some form of exercise most days Hobbies De-clutter Power naps Talk to others – release emotions - laughing and crying Texting or social networking sites

11 Other forms of relaxation Taking a bath with a relaxing bath soak Use of essential oils such as lavender or chamomile, in a burner or on a pillow Performing postural exercises to alleviate postural faults Using deep breathing techniques Meditation Watching television or playing music Reading a book or magazine Receiving treatments such as aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage or reflexology

12 Touch treatment - massage A Medical School carried out a research project where a group of patients were divided into two. One group were simply visited by the anaesthetist and the treatment procedure was explained. The second group were visited by the anaesthetist, whilst they explained the procedure they held and stroked the patient’s hand whilst being generally sympathetic.

13 The second group of patients needed on average only half of the amount of medication, plus were discharged three days earlier. Proving the powerful tool of touch therapy. Incorporate this into your life with the use of massage, hugs and squeezes.

14 The benefits of a stress massage are: Soothes and re-balances the energy flow of the body, creating a feeling of well being Helps with the mobility of joints Assists with the prevention of tension build up Speeds up the removal of toxins from the body and muscles Improves the circulation in the area Increases concentration levels Reduced tiredness Particularly beneficial in relieving eye strain, jaw ache, tinnitus, neck & shoulder tension, insomnia, headaches

15 Treating a colleague, friend or family member with stress massage This procedure takes approximately 5- 10 mins Ask them to remove any restrictive/bulky clothing, ties, scarf, glasses etc. Seat them in a comfortable position on a stool or low backed chair, if you have a desk, encourage them to relax forward onto the desk.

16 Practical procedure 1. Firmly place hands on colleagues shoulders and hold for a few seconds 2. Encourage colleague to uncross legs, close eyes and breathe deeply 3. Start by sliding down arms with your hands and flick off above the elbows 4. Squeeze the whole of the upper arms and shoulder muscles 5. Thumb circles to the shoulder muscles 6. Circular movements with the heals of your hands to their shoulders and upper back 7. Slide down the back and flick off 8. Lean and press using your knuckles to either side of the spine 9. Thumb frictions to the neck 10. Alternate hand squeezes to neck 11. Squeeze the upper arms 12. Hacking to the upper arms and shoulders 13. Slide down the arms with your hands and flick off above the elbows. 14. Finish by relaxing your hands on their shoulders and holding for a few seconds

17 Self Massage This routine is ideal if you do not have anyone who can massage you. Find a suitable seat – if possible turn down lights and put on some relaxing music. Remember to uncross your legs, close your eyes and perform deep relaxing breathing before you start.

18 Self massage procedure 1. Gently circle shoulders backwards then forwards 2. Slowly move head from side to side, look over your shoulder 3. Fold your arms and squeeze the whole of your upper arms 4. Rest hands on shoulder muscles and squeeze your shoulder muscles 5. Cross over your arms, place hands on shoulders, circle with your fingers to your shoulder muscles and neck 6. Use fingers and thumbs to massage your scalp 7. Massage the back of your neck with one hand & then the other 8. Apply circular pressure at your temples with your fingers 9. Relax your elbows onto the table and place the heel of your hands into your eye sockets, relax for a few minutes

19 Consider their behaviour, habits and appearance.

20 Dark circles Spots or breakouts Eczema or psoriasis InsomniaHeadachesIrritabilityAngerWithdrawnSwearing Smoking, alcohol or taking drugs Staying in bed Find it hard to focus Bite their nails Comfort eating Feel sick Miss college, work etc.


22 1. Lie comfortably on a flat surface is possible or chair, cover yourself over to keep warm if needed 2. Uncross arms and legs 3. Close your eyes and begin deep abdominal breathing – you may wish to cover your eyes with a towel 4. Imagine yourself in a safe relaxing place (beach/field/cloud/pool) – if you have any pain then green is a good colour to imagine 5. Slowly begin to tense your fingers, hands, lower arms, upper arms, shoulders 6. Remember your deep abdominal breathing 7. Begin to tense your toes, feet, calves, upper legs and buttocks 8. Continue – tensing your tummy and your back 9. Now move onto your neck, face and finally scalp 10. Now begin to slowly relax your fingers, hands, lower arms, upper arms, shoulders 11. Slowly relax your toes, feet, calves, upper legs and buttocks 12. Relax your tummy and back, move up to your neck, face and finally scalp 13. Now totally relax your body and imagine it is weightless 14. Continue to relax in your safe place, imagine the sounds and scents – or imagine you are a jelly baby slowly melting away in the sun 15. When you are ready to complete, slowly wiggle your body starting with your fingers and toes and moving to your mouth and eyes – now slowly sit up

23 Session Objectives Do you feel we have met the objectives? Be aware of causes of stress Know how to calculate your own stress score Have an insight into the benefits of massage Develop massage techniques to treat colleagues and self Practice relaxation techniques

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