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20 Sept 2005JCOMM-II, Halifax, Canada1 GOOS perspectives 2006-2009 François Gérard, Chair I-GOOS JCOMM-II, Halifax, Canada, Sept 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "20 Sept 2005JCOMM-II, Halifax, Canada1 GOOS perspectives 2006-2009 François Gérard, Chair I-GOOS JCOMM-II, Halifax, Canada, Sept 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 20 Sept 2005JCOMM-II, Halifax, Canada1 GOOS perspectives 2006-2009 François Gérard, Chair I-GOOS JCOMM-II, Halifax, Canada, Sept 2005

2 20 Sept 2005JCOMM-II, Halifax, Canada Diapo 2 n SERVICES n SOCIETAL BENEFITS n OBSERVATION n INFORMATION GOOS : from observation to information In Situ ObsSpace Obs Data Portals Centres for Provision Of Generic Information Service Providers End Users

3 20 Sept 2005JCOMM-II, Halifax, Canada Diapo 3 GEOSS societal benefits 1. Reducing loss of life and property from natural and man-induced disasters; 2. Understanding environmental factors affecting human health and well-being; 3. Improving management of energy resources 4. Unsertanding, assessing, predicting, adapting to climate variability and change 5. Improving water resources management; 6. Improving weather information, forecasting and warning; 7. Improving management and protection of ecosystems; 8. Supporting sustainable agriculture and combating desertification 9. Understanding and conserving biodiversity

4 20 Sept 2005JCOMM-II, Halifax, Canada Diapo 4 GOOS contribution to societal benefits 1. Reducing loss of life and property from natural and man-induced disasters; 2. Understanding environmental factors affecting human health and well-being; 3. Improving management of energy resources 4. Unserstanding, assessing, predicting, adapting to climate variability and change 5. Improving water resources management; 6. Improving weather information, forecasting and warning; 7. Improving management and protection of ecosystems; 8. Supporting sustainable agriculture and combating desertification 9. Understanding and conserving biodiversity

5 20 Sept 2005JCOMM-II, Halifax, Canada Diapo 5 GOOS How to work IOCWMOUNEP I-GOOS GSSC J-COMMGRAJ-TBD? Scientific planning and advice Implementation General policy and requirements

6 20 Sept 2005JCOMM-II, Halifax, Canada Diapo 6 GOOS actions for 2005-2009 n Secure GOOS as main GEOSS element –Contribute to user requirement collection –Contribute to economic models –Contribute to legal framework (law of the Sea!) n Consolidate GOOS role within new TORs –Coherence of IOC observing systems. –Implemementation through regional alliances. –Capacity building. n Consolidate the global module of GOOS –Priority link with J-COMM –Ensure sustainability of existing observing systems n Organise the coastal module of GOOS –What’s global in local problems ? –Role of regional alliances? –Link with other UN organisations (UNEP, FAO).

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