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17 th. – 21 th. April 2011 ENTRY LEVEL CURRICULUM PROGRAM 1 Week 6.

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Presentation on theme: "17 th. – 21 th. April 2011 ENTRY LEVEL CURRICULUM PROGRAM 1 Week 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 17 th. – 21 th. April 2011 ENTRY LEVEL CURRICULUM PROGRAM 1 Week 6

2 AGENDA 10:00 – 10:05 AMWelcome and Agenda 10:05 – 10:15 AMStarter (jeopardy ) 10:15–11:30 AMdifferentiation 11:30 - 12:00 PMDifferentiation strategies 12:00 – 12:15 PMPrayer 12:15 – 1:25 PMThinking hats 1:25 – 1:30 PMSummary & survey

3 Starter Activities (jeopardy) (jeopardy)

4 4 We are different

5 Differentiation

6 Why do we need to differentiate? When you teach the same thing to all students at the same time. 1/3 already know 1/3 understand it. 1/3 may never understand it So, 2/3 of the students are wasting their time.

7 SO Why SO Why Differentiate? To encourage all students To allow teachers to reach all of the students some of the time allows for diversity among students. fosters relationships and self-worth meets social, emotional, and academic needs increases self-efficacy Provide students across all levels with access to all curriculum.

8 What What is Differentiation? A teacher’s response to learner needs The recognition of students’ varying background knowledge and preferences Instruction that appeals to students’ differences Video

9 Differentiated Instruction Is a process to approach teaching and learning for students of differing abilities in the same class.

10 Some believe that it is something ‘added on’ to normal teaching and that it just requires a few discrete منفرد extra activities in the lesson. In fact, differentiation permeates يتخلل everything a good teacher does and it is often impossible to ‘point’ to a discrete event that achieves it. It is not what is done often, but the way it is done that achieves differentiation. For this reason differentiation may not show up on a lesson plan or in the Scheme of Work.

11 Having such objectives does not guarantee differentiation. It is the strategies, not the objectives that achieve differentiation, and this should be the focus of our interests EX.: 11A.30.4 Understand and use bistable and astable switches and know how these can constitute memory circuits.

12 Where to begin? Before we can help a child learn more effectively, we need to know what makes that child tick. SO Get to know your students. Build a positive relationship with each one of them.

13 What makes my students tick? Interest survey 1 Interest survey 2

14 Differentiation According to Students’ Teachers Can Differentiate Readiness Interest Learning Profile Content How students are exposed to curriculum Process How they learn it. Product How they demonstrate what they have learned

15 Content It is what a student should: Know Understand Be able to do It is related to facts, skills or concepts at a student’s level.

16 Ways to Differentiate the Content Varied Texts Varied Supplementary Materials Visual Organizer/Note-taking Organizers Think-Pair-Share

17 Process The activities students undertake during learning. The activities help the student come to make sense of or "own" the content.

18 Ways to Differentiate the Process Games Choices (Intelligences) Centers Tiered lessons

19 Product How the students are going to show what they have learned?

20 Ways to Differentiate the Product Choices based on readiness, interest, and learning styles Clear expectations Timelines Product Guides Rubrics Evaluation

21 Some differentiation strategies Adjusting Questions Learning CentersVaried Resources & Texts Anchor ActivitiesFlexible GroupingThink pair share Choice BoardsGraphic OrganizerThink Dots CompactingHighlighted TextsTic-Tac-Toe CubingLayered Curriculum Tiered Instruction RubricTime lineMenu

22 Tic-Tac-Toe T. 1 T. 2


24 Choice Boards How can you design it ? 1-Dtermine your title. 2-Put your tasks in different levels 3-Hang the tasks on the board. 4-Distribution.

25 Look At The Following Worksheet

26 REMEMBER: Three When Differentiating Instruction, The Three Most Important Questions to Continually Ask Yourself... What do I want my students to know, understand, and be able to do? What will I do instructionally to get my students to learn this? How will my students show what they know?

27 Activity Each group will have a sheet You have to answer the questions in 10 minutes.

28 Define differentiation in your own words. Draw a picture to represent differentiation.. Write a sentence using the word differentiation. What other words are associated with the word differentiation? WORD BLAST



31 Six hats Six colors Six types of thinking The hats are directions, not descriptions of thinkers Each thinker should be able to use all of the hats

32 The Red Hat What do you feel about the suggestion? What are your gut reactions? What intuitions do you have? Don’t think too long or too hard. Feeling

33 The White Hat The information seeking hat. What are the facts? What information is available? What is relevant? When wearing the white hat we are neutral in our thinking. Facts

34 The Yellow Hat The sunshine hat. It is positive and constructive. It is about effectiveness and getting a job done. What are the benefits, the advantages? Positive

35 The Black Hat The caution hat. In black hat the thinker points out errors or pit- falls. What are the risks or dangers involved? Identifies difficulties and problems. Caution

36 This is the creative mode of thinking. Green represents growth and movement. In green hat we look to new ideas and solutions. Lateral thinking wears a green hat. The Green Hat Creativity

37 The control hat, organising thinking itself. Sets the focus, calls for the use of other hats. Monitors and reflects on the thinking processes used. Blue is for planning. The Blue Hat Control

38 Feelings (emotions) Informative (facts) Constructive (positive) Cautious Creative Reflective (control)

39 Hats Ranking Control Creative Positive Thinking Facts Negative Logic Emotion Self Development Success HighLow High

40 Ways to Use the Hats Individually (i.e., thinking alone) In conversation In meetings Reports and presentations And in our next activity

41 Activity (20 Minute) I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. 1. Please made group of 6 hats. 2. No hierarchy. 3. Everyone try all 6 hats to solve the problem together. 9

42  Now think about this issue using the thinking hat you have. What will happen after the world cup 2022? ما الذي سيحدث بعد كأس العالم 2022 ؟ Handout (2)

43 43 Homework: 1- Prepare your file the be checked next time 2- lesson plan & journal are required.

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