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Franz Kafka. Prague Prague: The Old City The Judgment The Sons Punishments.

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Presentation on theme: "Franz Kafka. Prague Prague: The Old City The Judgment The Sons Punishments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Franz Kafka

2 Prague

3 Prague: The Old City

4 The Judgment The Sons Punishments

5 Father-son struggles James Joyce: Ulysses Salman Rushdie: The Satanic Verses

6 Sigmund Freud Psychoanalysis Oedipus complex Repression

7 Harold Bloom The Anxiety of Influence

8 Novels The Trial The Castle Amerika

9 Die Verwandlung The Transformation The Transfiguration The Transsubstantiation

10 Samsa Kafka In Czech sám = alone + jsem = I am

11 ungeheures Ungeziefer enormous bug gigantic insect monstrous vermin

12 “It occurred to me … that [the artist] might want to draw the insect itself. Please, not that — anything but that! The insect itself cannot be drawn. It cannot even be shown in the distance.”


14 Aristotle Complication Dénouement

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