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Bell Work: April 23, 2015 Pick up a half sheet on your way in and begin filling it out. Controversies studied this unit:  Immigration  Affirmative Action.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work: April 23, 2015 Pick up a half sheet on your way in and begin filling it out. Controversies studied this unit:  Immigration  Affirmative Action."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work: April 23, 2015 Pick up a half sheet on your way in and begin filling it out. Controversies studied this unit:  Immigration  Affirmative Action  The PATRIOT Act and surveillance  National service in the form of the draft or conscription  Prohibition  Legalization of marijuana  Other, teacher-approved topic

2 Controversies: Final Project. HOW CONTROVERSIAL!

3 We will know we are successful when…

4 What will we be doing? Create your own original law for or against one of the controversies. Provide evidence for your position in the form of a main idea pyramid. Research. Annotated bibliography Class presentation: ENGAGING, VISUAL Power Point Prezi Create a brochure Make a poster board Perform a skit etc.

5 Research: Where do I start? Find sources relating to a topic. But where? Scholarly databases - EBSCO Host - Google Scholar - Libraries - SCHOLARLY Journals - Verified, official websites

6 Annotated Bibliwhatgraphy? An annotated bibliography is a list of sources and citations complete with a brief description of the evidence and how it relates to your topic. YOUR ANNOTATED BIB MUST INCLUDE: 1.Four NEW sources (3 primary sources=AD; 2 primary sources = PR, 1= BA) 2.Annotations with explanation of why each source is primary or secondary. 3.Annotations with explanation of why each source is reliable/credible to you… VALUE

7 EXAMPLE ANNOTATION Said, Edward W. 1978. Orientalism. New York: Pantheon Books. Said elaborates on the topic of Orientalism. Regarding Napoleon Bonaparte, Said asserts that Napoleon’s main goal in invading Egypt and the Middle East was to claim it as a sort of trophy as a conqueror. The author states that Bonaparte’s attempts to establish relationships with Islam and its leaders were empty gestures of orientalist thinking. Said maintains that Napoleon and the French looked upon Egypt as a mystical place in need of culture and civilization.

8 Your Presentation must include an explanation of…  Historical Context  Your Law  Main ideas/arguments  Supporting details and quotes (evidence)  Counterarguments  Strongest source and WHY

9 QUESTIONS? What are we doing today? 1. Choose a topic (refer to bell work) 2. Research TWO sources relating to your topic 3. Cite your two sources using CHICAGO style.

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