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IDENTIFICATION OF INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO AAS. Dan Kisauzi 20 th June 2013 Dolphine Suites Kampala, Uganda.

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2 Dan Kisauzi 20 th June 2013 Dolphine Suites Kampala, Uganda

3 OBJECTIVES 1.To review the institutional development of the Country Fora within the context of CIKM; 2.To develop the capacity of the CF Focal persons and CIKM Facilitators for using the AFAAS website virtual social networking platform (VSNP); 3.To initiate the roll out of the website and the VSNP to project countries; 4.To initiate the development of the CIKM strategy for the project; 5.To initiate the identification of innovative AAS approaches in the project countries

4 STEPS Introduction Group work to validate criteria derived from FAAP Principles and virtual discussion Overview of identification methodology Assign weights to the criteria (plenary) Group work to assess an approach Way forward

5 INTRODUCTION: What characterises an innovative AAS Approach? FAAP Principles FAAP is the framework for operationalisation of the CAADP Pillar IV agenda Represents the consensus of stakeholders in African agricultural development The FAAP lays out the principles to guide efforts directed at enhancing Africa’s agricultural productivity AFAAS is committed to aligning with FAAP and CAADP Virtual Discussion

6 FAAP Principles Empowerment of end-users to ensure their meaningful participation in setting priorities and work programs for research, extension, and training to ensure their relevance; Planned subsidiarity to give responsibility and control over resources for agricultural research, extension, and training activities at the lowest appropriate level of aggregation (local, national and regional);

7 FAAP Principles (continued) Pluralism in the delivery of agricultural research, extension, and training services so that diverse skills and strengths of a broad range of service providers (e.g. universities, NGOs, public and the private sectors) can contribute to publicly supported agricultural productivity operations; Evidence-based approaches with emphasis on data analysis, including economic factors and market orientation in policy development, priority setting and strategic planning for agricultural research, extension, and training;

8 FAAP Principles (Continued) Integration of agricultural research with extension services, the private sector, training, capacity building, and education programs to respond in a holistic manner to the needs and opportunities for innovation in the sector; Explicit incorporation of sustainability criteria in evaluation of public investments in agricultural productivity and innovation program (fiscal, economic, social and environmental);

9 FAAP Principles (continued) Systematic utilisation of improved management information systems, in particular for planning, financial management, reporting, and monitoring and evaluation; Introduction of cost sharing with end users, according to their capacity to pay, to increase their stake in the efficiency of service provision and to improve financial sustainability; and

10 FAAP Principles (continued) Integration of gender considerations at all levels, including farmers and farmer organizations, the private sector, public institutions, researchers and extension staff.

11 Inputs from Virtual Discussion Criteria derived from GFRAS contribution Must be “best fit” Pluralistic Accountable (and equitable, considers gender, age, ethnicity, livelihood) Develops human resources Sustainable

12 Inputs from Virtual Discussion Criteria from Tayo’s contribution User friendly, Adaptable The user should be able to sustain it

13 Inputs from Virtual Discussion Derived criteria from Anke’s contribution Scalable Dan Kisauzi Additions The value chain approach Incorporate learning; Utilise modern ICT for communication, information and knowledge management;

14 Group Work 1 Two groups – Group 1- FAAP Principles 1 - 4 – Group 2: FAAP Principles 5 – 9 Each group refines the derived criteria

15 Plenary 2 Discuss and agree on the refined FAAP criteria Embed or add criteria from the virtual discussion

16 Set criteria Assign weight to criteria (1-5) Score the criteria (0.3) Rate criteria (weight * Score) Sum ratings Calculate % sum of ratings of maximum possible rating OVERVIEW OF IDENTIFICATION METHODOLOGY

17 Way Forward Refine criteria and give feedback to country teams/ Develop template – 27 June Intenalise methodology/ – 27 June 2013 (Focal person) Identify approaches to be “assessed” and submitted to Secretariat for harmonisation – 27 th June 2013 (CF Focal Person with Technical C’tee) Feedback to countries – 4 th July (Dan) Approaches described in detail within the assessment framework – 11 th July (owners of approaches) Convene a technical group to identify innovative approaches – 18 th July (Technical C’tee of CF) Prepare innovative approaches for presentation at Gaborone – 25 th July Confirm that innovative approaches are packaged for Gaborone (CF Focal Person) Who pays for Gaborone

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