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AS ICT.  Know the two major ways in which ICT has affected employment  Understand the reasons behind this  Be able to discuss the effects of ICT on.

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Presentation on theme: "AS ICT.  Know the two major ways in which ICT has affected employment  Understand the reasons behind this  Be able to discuss the effects of ICT on."— Presentation transcript:


2  Know the two major ways in which ICT has affected employment  Understand the reasons behind this  Be able to discuss the effects of ICT on employment for both bank and shop workers

3  Robots replacing people – why?  Time & automation  Effect on employment rates  Types of jobs available  Training  Employment patterns  Teleworking  Broadband availability

4  2 major effects:  Job losses ▪ Car parks ▪ Car manufacturing ▪ Clerical ▪ Cost  Job creation ▪ More demand for technical jobs

5  Same way  Same accuracy  No judgement / reactions required  Eg car manufacture/shopping/banking  Robots can be any size  Dangerous/unpleasant tasks

6  Payroll  Paperwork  Manual entry  Now: automatic / direct data capture

7  Online banking & shopping  ATMs  Cheques  Stock control  Shop workers

8  Need for skilled ICT workers  Systems analysts  Designers & programmers  Website designers  Technicians  Help desk/support staff  Call centres  Delivery drivers  Warehouse staff

9 Describe the effects that the introduction of the new system will have on the people who work at the bank in terms of employment and working patterns. (5 marks)

10  Four from:  Increased unemployment for specific bank workers such as cheque processing  workers/cashiers  Increased employment for technical staff  Some workers may have to/will have the opportunity – to go part time  There will be the opportunity to job share  There will be the opportunity for flexible working hours  Workers will need to have the ability to move from branch to branch  Workers may gain new skills

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