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Activity 9 Systems of Professional Learning Module 2 Grades 6–12: Supporting all Students in Close Reading, Academic Language, and Text-based Discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "Activity 9 Systems of Professional Learning Module 2 Grades 6–12: Supporting all Students in Close Reading, Academic Language, and Text-based Discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activity 9 Systems of Professional Learning Module 2 Grades 6–12: Supporting all Students in Close Reading, Academic Language, and Text-based Discussion

2 96

3 Activity 9 Activity 9: Reflect and Share 1.Share the lesson you have created with a small group. 2.Reflect on the challenges you encountered and potential positive outcomes as you consider all the elements of today’s presentation and activities (lesson design, academic language, text-dependent questions, UDL, and assessment). 3.Consider the question: “What knowledge and skills must teachers have in order to design a high-quality CCS-aligned lesson with student supports?” 97 Page 55

4 98 1.Unit and Lesson Planning Templates 4. EQuIP RubricEQuIP Rubric 2. UDL Resources for Learning with Supports for ELA/Literacy Curriculum & Instruction 5.Anthology Alignment ProjectAnthology Alignment Project 3. Instructional Strategies Toolkit 6. Resources for Teachers on CT Core Standards CT Core Standards In Participant GuideOnline Resources

5 99 Project Gutenberg American Rhetoric m/ Library of Congress Teacher Resources National Science Digital Library American Journeys http://www.americanjourneys.or g/texts.asp

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