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- Founded by INFM (Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia) June 2002 - Hosted by University of Trento (Physics Department) - Director: Sandro Stringari.

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Presentation on theme: "- Founded by INFM (Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia) June 2002 - Hosted by University of Trento (Physics Department) - Director: Sandro Stringari."— Presentation transcript:

1 - Founded by INFM (Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia) June 2002 - Hosted by University of Trento (Physics Department) - Director: Sandro Stringari - Scientific Committee: Jean Dalibard (ENS Paris) Chris Pethick (Nordita) Williams Phillips (NIST) Gora Shlyapnikov (Orsay) Peter Zoller (Innsbruck) CNR-INFM Research and Development Center on Bose-Einstein Condensation (CRS-BEC)

2 Main goals: - Promote theoretical research in the field of ultracold atomic gases (emerging field after the experimental realization of BEC in 1995) - Reinforce intersciplinarity (atomic and molecular physics, nucleqr physics, quantum optics, statistical mechanicsm and condensed matter physics) - Strengthen collaborations with experimental activities around the world University: Franco Dalfovo Stefano Giorgini Lev Pitaevskii Sandro Stringari CNR-INFM: Augusto Smerzi Tommaso Calarco Iacopo Carusotto Chiara Menotti 6Postdoc 5 Phd and Diploma Students Research Staff (March 2007)

3 Main fields of interest: Rotating quantum gases, Low dimensions, Excitations in BEC, atoms in optical lattices, Quantum optics, Superfluid Fermi gases, Quantum simulations, Quantum information, Quantum interferometry, Casimir- Polder force Scientific papers published since 2002: 206 Papers published on Physical Review Letters: 48

4 Evidence for hydrodynamic anisotropic expansion in ultra cold Fermi gas (O’Hara et al, 2003) Hydrodynamics predicts anisotropic expansion in Fermi superfluids (Menotti et al, 2002) EXPANSION OF FERMI SUPERFLUID HD theory normal collisionless

5 Radial breathing mode in superfluid Fermi gas MC equation of state (Astrakharchick et al., 2005) BCS mean field (Hu et al., 2004) includes Lee, Huang,Yang effect does not include LHY effect Measurement of collective frequencies provides accurate test of equation of state !! Exp.: Innsbruck, 2007

6 Behaviour of Bogoliubov phonons in expanding BECs Theory+Expt, collaboration between Trento BEC and Weizmann Institute Low k High k Theory Expt Bragg spectroscopy of the multi-branch Bogoliubov spectrum of elongated Bose-Einstein condensates, J.Steinhauer, N.Katz, R.Ozeri, N.Davidson, C.Tozzo, and F.Dalfovo, PRL 90, 060404 (2003) High sensitivity phonon spectroscopy of Bose-Einstein condensates using matter-wave interference, N. Katz, R. Ozeri, N. Davidson, C. Tozzo, and F. Dalfovo, PRL 93, 220403 (2004) Fringe visibility

7 BEC in a double-well Theory: Exp:

8 Spin polarized Fermi gases: in situ density difference (MIT 2006) In superfluid phase In polarized normal phase

9 Shell structure in trapped spin polarized Fermi gas S N Predicted value for critical polarization in good agreement with MIT result (0.77) (C. Lobo A. Recati, S. Giorgini and S. Stringari, PRL 2006)

10 (Center of mass oscillation of BEC trapped near a substrate) Boulder-Trento collaboration Relative frequency shift Theory predicts: rather than Lifshit result at thermal equilibrium

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