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Bunny boilers Learning objective: to explore issues and subtexts in the Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "Bunny boilers Learning objective: to explore issues and subtexts in the Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bunny boilers Learning objective: to explore issues and subtexts in the Laboratory.

2 ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’ What does this mean? Are women more unbalanced than men?

3 Imagine... Your boyfriend dumps you for another girl. What do you do? Who do you blame and why?

4 Fatal Attraction A film about a woman who can’t get over a man and tries to kill his wife: written and directed by a man. What is the subtext? 8&sa=N&tab=wv&start=0

5 Belittling women... This is a right-wing t- shirt attacking Hilary Clinton (who tried to be the first female US president). What is it saying about her?

6 I. Now that I, tying thy glass mask tightly, May gaze thro' these faint smokes curling whitely, As thou pliest thy trade in this devil's-smithy--- Which is the poison to poison her, prithee? II. He is with her, and they know that I know Where they are, what they do: they believe my tears flow While they laugh, laugh at me, at me fled to the drear Empty church, to pray God in, for them!---I am here.

7 III Grind away, moisten and mash up thy paste, Pound at thy powder,---I am not in haste! Better sit thus, and observe thy strange things, Than go where men wait me and dance at the King's. IV That in the mortar---you call it a gum? Ah, the brave tree whence such gold oozings come! And yonder soft phial, the exquisite blue, Sure to taste sweetly,---is that poison too?

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