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IDEA The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

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Presentation on theme: "IDEA The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act."— Presentation transcript:

1 IDEA The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

2  IDEA calls for a free and appropriate public education for every child with a disability  Education must be delivered in the least restrictive environment  Promotes the concepts of inclusion  Requires that students with disabilities be educated in general education settings alongside students without disabilities as long as this setting is proven to be appropriate THE LAW

3  Free appropriate public education (FAPE)  Appropriate evaluations  Individual education program (IEP)  Least restrictive environment (LRE)  Parent and student participation in decision making  Procedural due process 6 PRINCIPLES OF IDEA

4  Ensure access to the general curriculum  Reduce paperwork and focus on teaching and learning  Assist in costs for improving special education & related services  Prevent inappropriate identification and mislabeling of culturally diverse students  Ensure schools are safe & conducive to learning  Encourage parents & educators to work out their differences by using non-adversarial means GOALS OF IDEA

5  Cognitive and mental delay impairments  Hearing impairments- including deafness  Speech or language impairments  Visual impairments- including blindness  Serious emotional disturbances  Orthopedic impairments  Traumatic brain injury  Other health impairments- including ADD/ADHD  Specific learning disabilities WHO QUALIFIES UNDER IDEA

6  According to IDEA, parents have to right to…  Inspect & review educational records  Obtain an individual educational evaluation  Require written notification prior to matters regarding their child be discussed and/or finalized  Request a due process hearing  Appeal initial decisions to the State Education Agency  Request reasonable attorneys fees from a court for actions or proceedings brought under IDEA  Give or refuse consent before an initial evaluation is conducted PARENTS RIGHTS

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