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Special Education Mr. Geoff Smith. History Spartans Plato & Alexander the Great Asclepiads Jean Mark Gaspard.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Education Mr. Geoff Smith. History Spartans Plato & Alexander the Great Asclepiads Jean Mark Gaspard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Education Mr. Geoff Smith

2 History Spartans Plato & Alexander the Great Asclepiads Jean Mark Gaspard

3 Early Education School for the Deaf School for the Blind

4 Joseph Kennedy Jr. Foundation

5 Legislation Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973  Cannot deny or exclude anybody solely…  Civil rights  FAPE Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975  The most far-reaching and revolutionary  FAPE  Least restrictive environment

6 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 1997 & 2006 Zero reject IEP plan

7 Who may have a disability and potential signs  Autism  Deafness or blindness  Hearing impairment  Mental disabilities  Orthopedic impairment  Tourette’s syndrome  Specific learning disability  Speech or learning impairment  May have trouble learning the alphabet, rhyming words, or connecting letters to their sounds  May make many mistakes when reading aloud, and repeat, and pause often  May learn language late and have a limited vocabulary. May have real trouble with spelling.

8 IEP Process Ten Steps First Step- the child must be identified. Two ways to identify Child Find Referral or Request for evaluation

9 Process Continued Second, Child is Evaluated  Determining results  Parents involvement Third, Eligibility is Decided  Group of professionals along with parent  Whether the child is eligible or not  Parental agreement and right to disagree Fourth, Child is Eligible for Services IEP- 30 days

10 Process Continued 5 th Step, IEP Meeting is Scheduled  IEP Team  All members are notified  Parents are notified and are to invite individuals they believe can help them 6 th Step, IEP Meeting is Held  Team Gathers  Child’s education is main priority  IEP is a management tool  Evaluation device

11 Process Continued 7 th Step, Services are Provided After IEP is Written  School obligation to make sure everything on the IEP is carried out  Teachers responsible to cooperate with IEP components 8 th Step, Progress is Measured & Reported to parents  Goals are set within the IEP  Parents are informed  Determine if goals are met or not

12 Final Steps in Process 9 th Step, IEP is Reviewed  Reviewed by team, at least once a year  Changes may occur, but parents must be notified and give permission 10 th Step, Child is Reevaluated  At least every 3 years, the child must be reevaluated.  Purpose…  Not restricted to once every 3 years, may happen more often

13 Parents  What are your rights?  What rights does the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, give upon you?  idea.html idea.html  Some tips for parentstips

14 What services are there for Parents? PEAK Parent Center  Resources  Education  Training  Expand Parent Knowledge South Dakota Regional Office of Civil Rights  Resource for parents  Review Federal Laws and regulations  Present claims

15 The End Please feel free to check out my website and look over additional information and this presentation. Geoff Smith

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