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10 Media Survival Tips for Teachers Diocese of Stockton Ministry Day April 2, 2011 Hosea Rupprecht, FSP Pauline Centre for Media Studies 3908 Sepulveda.

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Presentation on theme: "10 Media Survival Tips for Teachers Diocese of Stockton Ministry Day April 2, 2011 Hosea Rupprecht, FSP Pauline Centre for Media Studies 3908 Sepulveda."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 Media Survival Tips for Teachers Diocese of Stockton Ministry Day April 2, 2011 Hosea Rupprecht, FSP Pauline Centre for Media Studies 3908 Sepulveda Blvd. Culver City, CA 90230 (310) 890-8226

2 10 Media Survival Tips  1. Gifts of God  2. Values  3. Equal before media  4. Honor your students  5. Know what’s out there  6. Listen  7. Ask questions  8. Move deeper  9. Catholic Social Teaching  10. Practice

3 Tip # 1: Gifts of God The Church’s attitude toward media: They are “gifts of God,” to be used for the common good of all people. World Communications Day: Sunday between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost.

4 Pope Benedict XVI The relationship of children, media, and education can be considered from two perspectives: the formation of children by the media; and the formation of children to respond appropriately to the media. A kind of reciprocity emerges which points to the responsibilities of the media as an industry and to the need for active and critical participation of readers, viewers and listeners. Within this framework, training in the proper use of the media is essential for the cultural, moral and spiritual development of children. World Communications Day Message, 2007

5 Tip # 2: Values  Values are ideas/ideals we Cherish Cherish Hold in high esteem Hold in high esteem Work to maintain Work to maintain Often give direction to our life Often give direction to our life (As defined by Gretchen Hailer in BELIEVING IN A MEDIA CULTURE, St. Mary’s Press, 1995)

6 What are your values? Identify three guiding values for you and your family and why…. 1)2)3)

7 These values can form the criteria for talking about television and movies

8 Tip # 3: Equal Before Media

9 Tip # 4 Honor your students  Honor your students so that you can create a safe place to communicate the God who is in you and they can communicate the God who is in them to you  Honor your students’ tastes in media

10 Tip # 5 Know what media is out there  Name five primetime television shows  Watch even what you don’t like but what your students are watching  Glee  American Idol  The Office  CSI  90210 Watch with your own children & family first of all & TALK!

11 Tip # 5 Cont’d. Know what media is out there Go to the movies OR  Get the DVD, Netflix  Know about what’s new  ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY  LA Times  Online reviews

12 Tip # 5 Cont’d. Know what media is out there Gaming  X box 360  PS 3  Wii  Rock Band  Guitar Hero  Halo  Grand Theft Auto 4  Mortal Kombat  God of War  Mario Brothers

13 Tip # 6 Listen  Listen to the talk and conversation going on around you  Listen to your students: Did they see anything about the class on television this week  “Listen” with eyes, ears & heart to the news: question it/pray with it  “Listen” with eyes & ears to advertising

14 Tip # 7 Ask Questions  Who created this message?  What techniques are used to get my attention?  How might different people understand this message differently from me?  What lifestyles, values, and points of view are represented or omitted from this entertainment or information message?  Why was this message sent? Who profited?

15 Tip # 8 Move Deeper— Media Mindfulness

16 Tip # 9 Catholic Social Teaching  Human beings are created in the image of God  Artistic expression, like creative imagination, is a gift given by God  The pursuit of the common good is the fundamental principle for the good of societies  The power of the gift and act of the creative imagination and expression is rooted in human freedom  The value of the human person is independent of material possessions or social status  The whole world and all that is in it, is the arena for God’s activity -Rev. J. Silbert, PMM

17 Tip # 10 Practice Make every media experience an opportunity to practice media mindfulness

18 Resources Our Media World: Teaching Kids K-8 about Faith and Media By Hailer and Pacatte Pauline Books & Media $ 19.95

19 Resources St. Mary’s Press $ 27.25 Media Mindfulness: Educating Teens about Faith and Media By Hailer & Pacatte

20 Coming Soon June 2011  How to Watch Movies with Kids: A Values-Based Strategy  Hosea M. Rupprecht, FSP  Pauline Books & Media, Boston   For those raising kids, how to recognize and discern values in movies, teaching kids to do likewise, and developing a family strategy.

21 Resources Free, downloadable, movie clips that can be searched by theme, movie title, or even by Scripture passage!

22 Pauline Books & Media 3908 Sepulveda Blvd. Culver City, CA 90230 (310) 397-8676 Catholic books, DVD’s, CD’s, Gifts

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