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 The time before there was writing the written and other recorded events of people.

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2  The time before there was writing

3 the written and other recorded events of people.

4  The study of the past based on objects left behind

5  The knowledge,beliefs, customs, and values of a group of people

6  A part or imprint of something that was ONCE alive. ( no longer alive)

7  An account of an event by someone who took part in or witnessed the event

8  Information gathered by someone who did NOT take part or witness the event

9  An object created or used by humans.

10  The study of earths physical and cultural features.

11  An early ancestor of humans

12  name means “ handy man”  Used chopper tools

13  name means “upright man”  Can control fire  -used hand ax

14  name means “ wise man”  Same species as modern humans  can create fire  Developed language

15  In 1991 an iceman’s frozen body was discovered in the Alps, on the Italian-Austrian border in Europe.

16  An abbreviation used with dates of events that took place before the birth of Jesus. b.c. stands for before Christ. ( Compare a.d.; see b.c.e.)

17  The terms anno Domini The term anno Domini is Medieval Latin, which means in the year of the Lord but is often translated as in the “year of our Lord.”  Oftenly thought of as “after death”

18  a member of a nomadic people who live chiefly by hunting, fishing, and harvesting wild food.

19  anything that involves moving around a lot.

20 : the first known period of prehistoric human culture characterized by the use of humans made lasting tools and weapons mainly from stone

21  prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening. (grow )

22  To tame (animals, plants, etc)

23  the science or practice of farming  growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food

24  Old stone age

25  Middle stone age  Marked by the difference in weapons

26  New stone age  characterized by the beginning of farming, the domestication of animals, the development of crafts such as pottery and weaving, and the making of polished stone tools.

27  The Neolithic revolution was the first agricultural revolution—the transition from nomadic hunting and gathering communities and bands to agriculture and settlement

28  all the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country

29  the wealth and resources of a country or region

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