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Current Set-up Generation Transmission Distribution Captive Customer With OARC Contestable Customer Single Billing Distribution TransmissionGeneration.

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2 Current Set-up Generation Transmission Distribution Captive Customer With OARC Contestable Customer Single Billing Distribution TransmissionGeneration Single Billing RES/Local RES

3 3 Competitive generation Regulated transmission and distribution retail Competitive retailproviders End- users Reformed Power Sector

4 Legal Basis

5 5 Conditions Precedent UnbundlingRemoval of Subsidy WESM NPC Assets Privatization IPP Administrator

6 What are we looking forward to? 2011 Declaration Open Access Date 1 MW & up 2013 750 kW Aggregation 2021 Household demand level

7 Building the Framework 7 Rules governing open access and retail competition Rules defining the qualification of suppliers and customers; Rules governing the behavior and conduct of the market participants; Rules ensuring the provision of continuous supply of electricity for the protection of the contestable customers; Rules governing the commercial transfer of customer from one supplier to another

8 8 Building the Framework RES Licensing Guidelines Business Separation Guidelines (BSG) Code of Conduct Competition Rules Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR) DSOAR Rules on Customer Switching (RCS) Rules for Contestability

9 Considerations 9 Provisions of the EPIRA and its IRR Sound economic and regulatory principles Best practices in other jurisdictions

10 NEW PLAYERS Retail Electricity Supplier (RES) BUYERSSELLERS 676 - Luzon 65 - Visayas 14 licensed RES 1 potential SOLR for every DU’s franchise area 1 potential Local RES for every DU’s franchise area

11 Transitory Rules for the Initial Implementation of Open Access and Retail Competition On-going (PubCon: Sept. 13, 2011 for 2 nd Draft) Clarifies pre-operational issues to ensure the smooth transition to a competitive retail electricity market Provides procedures regarding the entry of participants into the competitive retail electricity market Simplified switching process 11

12 Thank You

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