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Food Production Crop plants: describe how glasshouses and polythene tunnels can be used to increase the yield of certain crops understand the effects on.

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Presentation on theme: "Food Production Crop plants: describe how glasshouses and polythene tunnels can be used to increase the yield of certain crops understand the effects on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Production Crop plants: describe how glasshouses and polythene tunnels can be used to increase the yield of certain crops understand the effects on crop yield of increased carbon dioxide and increased temperature in glasshouses understand the use of fertiliser to increase crop yield understand the reasons for pest control and the advantages and disadvantages of using pesticides and biological control with crop plants

2 Describe how glasshouses and polythene tunnels can be used to increase the yield of certain crops Green houses and polythene tunnels provide conditions in which the plant will grow best. They do this by ensuring carbon dioxide, temperature and light intensity are at the optimum levels. Carbon dioxide levels can be increased by burning fuels – which also helps maintain a good temperature. Lamps or lighting can also be used during winter months when there is not much light.

3 List three environmental conditions, which will increase the rate of photosynthesis. Increased Carbon dioxide levels = increased rate of photosynthesis. Light intensity = increased rate of photosynthesis Temperature = increased enzyme activity = increased rate of photosynthesis More photosynthesis  more glucose  more growth There will be an increase in plant yield (production)

4 Understand the use of fertiliser to increase crop yield

5 Understand the reasons for pest control and the advantages and disadvantages of using pesticides and biological control with crop plants Pest would destroy the crop and so the farmer could not sell his crop. A pesticide destroys the Pest Insecticide  kills insects Herbicide  kills weeds ‘Biological control’ is where a living organism is used to keep pest numbers under control.

6 Pesticides Advantages Increased yield Totally destroys the pest Disadvantages Possibility of harming non-target species Chemicals can enter water systems Can pass along food chains and accumulate in some species

7 Biological control Advantages Not chemical and can’t pass up food chains Keeps numbers under control Disadvantages The biological control can become a pest itself Disrupt food chains

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