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The future now – new formats, new purposes burrows, coburn, loi, rmit university.

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Presentation on theme: "The future now – new formats, new purposes burrows, coburn, loi, rmit university."— Presentation transcript:

1 the future now – new formats, new purposes burrows, coburn, loi, wilkins @ rmit university

2 eBook Readers: directions in enabling technology

3 Foundational reading and learning experiences are changing

4 The transition to digital media has begun

5 McGraw-Hill Primis Custom Publishing - an Australian connection ProQuest Information and Learning - the Digital Library of Dissertations and Theses Case Studies The Brisbane City Library ebook project

6 Laptops in class, The Balwyn High School experience The ebook in class, the experiences of students at Fordham College in Manhattan, USA Australian and Overseas Experiences - technologies creeping into the classroom

7 eBooks for Postgraduate Psychology Students, University of South Australia The University of Southern Queensland’s web pad project John Paul College wireless laptop programme Australian and Overseas Experiences - technologies creeping into the classroom

8 Ways of learning are changing

9 what are the conditions necessary for a displacement of books and textbooks ? content hardware and software digital rights management and format conversion services universal standards for digital text promotion authors access and transitional models which map to user practices wireless networks teachers and students

10 I read it on the radio… radio with pictures? printing sounds? radio books? publishing?

11 not so much a competition for supremacy as a sea change in choices

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