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Regional Meeting Webinar for FY 14 CTE Local Plans March 20, 2013 Jeanne-Marie S. Holly, Program Manager, CTE Systems Branch Kathy McNerney Education Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Meeting Webinar for FY 14 CTE Local Plans March 20, 2013 Jeanne-Marie S. Holly, Program Manager, CTE Systems Branch Kathy McNerney Education Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Meeting Webinar for FY 14 CTE Local Plans March 20, 2013 Jeanne-Marie S. Holly, Program Manager, CTE Systems Branch Kathy McNerney Education Program Supervisor Maryland State Department of Education Division of Career and College Readiness

2 Presentation Objectives Provide an update on the Federal Budget Share a reminder about use of Perkins funds Share upgrades to the Web-based Plan Share a reminder about Program Improvement Plans Provide information on Interim Reports Provide an update to the Locally Agreed Upon Performance Levels (LAUPL)

3 Federal Budget Congress has not passed a budget Sequestration has triggered cuts to the federal budget

4 What does this mean for Perkins? Cuts to the Education Budget, specifically Perkins, is estimated to be 5% Reduction of entire Perkins allocation by 5% nationally Use 5% reduction as an estimate for planning purposes Maryland is estimating a 6% reduction

5 What does this mean for Perkins? Federal-to-state formula run is needed to determine state allocations Annual formula shifts due to population and poverty, as well as the small state minimum, will impact all states’ allocations

6 What does this mean for Perkins? US Department of Education unsure of when state estimates will be available US Department of Education uncertain if the reduction will apply to July 1 or October 1 allocation or both Actual impact to Maryland still unknown

7 Sequestration by State The White House created fact sheets on the general effects of sequestration ( /02/22/what-sequester#states). /02/22/what-sequester#states While these are useful, they do not contain specific information in regard to Perkins funding

8 Perkins Funds Perkins is about upgrades and continuous improvement Reduced funds requires data to determine return on investment for activities Supplement not supplant – especially in these economic times

9 Web-based Plan Key elements in the plan:  Local Perspective  Data Analysis  Five Year Plan need to align with planned improvement activities in the Strategy Worksheets Ensure the rationale aligns with the planned activities Planned activities may have multiple measurable outcomes

10 Web-based Plan Due May 17, 2013 Notify Regional Coordinator that the Plan is completed and ready for review The Plan is submitted via the web and NOT DocuShare

11 Web-based Plan Ensure that all documents required have been uploaded in the Plan All required signatures are in BLUE ink and scanned in color prior to uploading or else mailed

12 Program Improvement Plans Still required for all Core Indicators that did not meet the 90% threshold A separate Improvement Plan is required to be submitted with the Local Plan Identify where the planned activities addressing the Core Indicator(s) can be found in the Local Plan

13 Reports and Accountability Data Reports - Interim and Final not received by due dates will delay funding Accountability data, such as enrollment, Pell grant recipients, pre-graduate survey, work-based learning survey, outcome files not received by due dates will delay funding

14 Local Agreed Upon Performance Levels (LAUPL) LAUPL targets have previously been negotiated in the Fall each year LAUPL targets will now be negotiated in the Spring each year Attestation Memo and signature form will be sent by March 31, 2013 and due to MSDE by April 30, 2013.

15 Next Steps Follow Congress and its budget actions Use Local Advisory Councils and Program Advisory Committees to advocate for CTE Research other resources that might be available to support CTE Relook at priorities for CTE programs of study

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