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Building blocks: Gender considerations in mediation Dr Pascal da Rocha, UN Women.

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Presentation on theme: "Building blocks: Gender considerations in mediation Dr Pascal da Rocha, UN Women."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building blocks: Gender considerations in mediation Dr Pascal da Rocha, UN Women

2 Objectives Learn about the normative framework Understand theoretical challenges Appreciate practice pitfalls Awareness about a set of recommendations

3 Exercise (max 15 mins) In groups, discuss for 6 mins your experiences on gender in mediation Each group writes on the flip chart paper 5 points of the discussed considerations Each group exhibits its findings on the paper chart Summary

4 Women and peacemaking Women, peace and security agenda UNSCR 1325 acknowledges women in decision-making processes 1325 family tree Question: women or gender - what do you think?

5 Theoretical challenges Ability to communicate different perspectives Increase inclusivity in a process Increase the legitimacy of a process by making it more representative and broadening constituency base Effective organization across party lines Conduct internal and regional mediation support Organize effectively at the community level Credibility in using identity roles to influence and to leverage power of informal alliances

6 Feedback round What do you think about these theoretical findings and challenges? To what extent do they reflect your reality and your challenges? Would you like to add anything else?

7 Practical challenges First hurdle: cultural framework Second hurdle: education and open dialogue Third hurdle: political structures and bureaucracy Fourth hurdle: allowing women to play their rightful role in society, especially in post-conflict situations Fifth hurdle: lack of local liaison and coordination amongst Peacebuilding actors

8 Feedback round (10 mins) Why do you choose mediation to regulate conflicts? What thought processes guide your tactical choice? What are opportunities and limitations to your choice? Please discuss in groups

9 Recommendations Recognize your own biases and preconceptions Better define the process Identify gender triggers Take control of the shadow negotiation Avoid to be appearing judgmental Don't mix competence with gender Manage perceptions properly and the cultural frames at play Understand the effect of gender on credibility and understand gender styles

10 Final thoughts More conclude research needed Distinguish between gender issues and mediation Training and capacity building

11 Thank you for your attention Questions?

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