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TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 1 TE-MPE on-call service for the LHC Giorgio D’Angelo on behalf of TE-MPE On call team, with inputs.

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Presentation on theme: "TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 1 TE-MPE on-call service for the LHC Giorgio D’Angelo on behalf of TE-MPE On call team, with inputs."— Presentation transcript:

1 TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 1 TE-MPE on-call service for the LHC Giorgio D’Angelo on behalf of TE-MPE On call team, with inputs from R. Denz  Team members On call members Experts Mandate  Description of the TE-MPE on-call Service Organization Flow chart of intervention  Statistics…  Conclusion & Outlook

2 TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 2 Team Members  Reiner is responsible of the service, and Gert-Jan is the linkman  On call members: In 2010, 7 members + 1 in training, with specific knowledge: –Gert-Jan Coelingh  CP  600A EE & QPS –Vincent Froidbise  CP  QPS –Joaquim Mourao  CP  QPS –Kevin Priestnall  CP  QPS –Giorgio D'Angelo  EI  ELQA & Heating Syst. C.L –Richard Mompo  EI  ELQA & Heating Syst. C.L –Grzegorz Seweryn  EI  ELQA & QPS –Steven Pemberton (since April, in training )  EI  ELQA –Help of Mathieu Favre and Bozhidar Panev (CP)

3 TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 3 Team Members: Experts  Specialists: support for on call members Very limited specialists: –Knud Dahlerup-Petersen (EE & QPS) –Reiner Denz (QPS) –Zinur Charifoulline (nQPS informatics). Contract ended ! –Jens Steckert (nQPS). Staff since a few months ! –Current leads specialist Alain Gharib, Pascal Chambouvet & Philippe Denis.  Now under EI responsibility. –DFB specialists: are part of on-call members, Mateusz Bednarek since November !! –MP3 members on shift

4 TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 4 MPE On call mandate: The on-call member:  1. Mission: –To put back in service, as rapid as possible, a faulty installation within the framework (QPS, Energy Extraction Systems and electrical components of the DFBs) during LHC run.  2. Actions: –Intervene after a call from the Control Centre CERN (CCC), –Diagnostics and if possible solve the problem remotely –Organize the intervention with the operator/EIC CCC (RP, MAD) –If needed ask the “Expert” for support –Always fill in the intervention in the Logbook (QPS Logbook).  3. Responsibility: –He must assure his own security as well as those he asked helping him and assure the correct way of intervening in the tunnel –The technician is responsible for the intervention. If he cannot find a solution he must inform the group hierarchy.

5 TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 5 MPE Expert mandate: The Expert (based on best effort) :  1. Mission: –Support the first line intervention in case of complex problems  2. Actions: –If judged needed to intervene and help the on-call technician –Ask another On call team member to join for intervention

6 TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 6 MPE On call organization:  Documentation: –Each equipment specialist prepared a documentation on how to solve a typical problem. –A copy is always available in “Piquet” cars  Regular meeting and training: –Weekly meeting on Monday morning to transmit the “Piquet role” and share experience over the past week. –Training are organized in order to be multidisciplinary as much as we can. –Two “Piquet ” cars available, equipped with tooling, docs and spare parts. –Storage place in Bt.30, 281 and 936 (in front of CCC)  Yearly planning: On our repository, we have a yearly planning with foreseen vacations, official holidays, night and day “piquet” turn-over. –Day calls: transparent to CCC (same number 16.8801), assures intervention during normal hours. This allow night piquet to recover. –Night calls: outside normal hours and w-e, official holidays included.

7 TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 7 Intervention Flowchart Emergency call from CCC to on-call duty: On-call: 16.8801 Emergency call from CCC to on-call duty: On-call: 16.8801 End of intervention N on-call person to analyze locally max. delay (1hour) on-call person to analyze locally max. delay (1hour) Information exchange via telephone On-call / CCC operator Remote Analysis Information exchange via telephone On-call / CCC operator Remote Analysis Need more than one Person? Assistance via: On call support Operator CCC* Assistance via: On call support Operator CCC* N Y Y Repair and restart the equipment or, feedback situation with CCC. Repair and restart the equipment or, feedback situation with CCC. Call equipment Specialist or Responsible TE/MPE Problem Solved remotely? On-call / CCC Difficult problem or Time needed > 3 hours ? N Repair and restart the equipment Repair and restart the equipment Y *(en dehors des heures ouvrables uniquement ) Fill in QPS Logbook End of intervention Fill in QPS Logbook

8 TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 8 Some statistics from 2010: (1/5)  Total number of interventions (Remote / Local) and Total duration 140 Interventions 219 hours

9 TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 9 Some statistics from 2010: (2/5)  Averages…

10 TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 10 Some statistics from 2010: (3/5)

11 TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 11 Some statistics from 2010: (4/5)

12 TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 12 Some statistics from 2010: (5/5)

13 TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 13 Conclusion and Outlook:  Conclusion –Very efficient: < 2 hours/intervention on site, including access time !! –High reliability of the systems –No accident !  Improvement ongoing: –Switches DQHDS replacement –Software tools on QPS Remote restart Interlocks regarding DQHDS  Potential bottleneck: –More radiation to equipment –Resources are limited, both experts and technicians –MP3 shift cancelled in 2011?

14 TE-MPE, MPE Workshop 2010, G.D’Angelo, 14-Dec-2010 14 THANK YOU !!!

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