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Fight against cervical cancer Flemish Minister Steven Vanackere Welfare, Public Health and Family.

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1 Fight against cervical cancer Flemish Minister Steven Vanackere Welfare, Public Health and Family


3 Cervical cancer Flemish Region: Mortality (2005) and incidence (2003) in numbers Mortality (absolute number) 116 Incidence (absolute number) 356 Mortality/ Incidence ratio0.33 Bruto-incidence/ 10 5 women11.7 Reference: mortality certificates Flemish region and Cancer register foundation

4 International actions /recommendations: International Agency for Research on Cancer ( WHO). Europe against cancer program. Council recommendation on cancer screening (Europe 2003). Preparing for the introduction of HPV vaccines (WHO 2006). …

5 Flemish policy: Since 1994:  screening every three years for women 25-64 years old  Standardisation, follow-up, technical guidelines..  Start implementation in all Flemish provinces (call/recall system) 57% women screened. But serious overscreening and underscreening for part of those women. Actual screening: no longer conform international guidelines, 1 province stopped. There is a clear need for improvement.

6 Work in progress: Recently a Flemish expertgroup was asked to evaluate and renew the old screening program and to start the preparation of implementing a general vaccinationprogram with HPV vaccine in coöperation with the federal government (RIZIV). Meanwhile the vaccine is already reïmbursed in Belgium (about 10 euro out of pocket price)

7 Conclusion: Women all over the world are crucial, in all aspects, for family and society. Let us support them as much as policy- makers are able to. Let us make self-empowerment of women and patiënts, a fact in every country and in every community.

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