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 The skin is made up of three layers of tissues. › Epidermis, dermis, fatty layer (subcutaneous)

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2  The skin is made up of three layers of tissues. › Epidermis, dermis, fatty layer (subcutaneous)

3 1. Epidermis – outer, thinnest layer. a. The outermost cells are dead and water repellent. b.New cells are produced at the base and move up to replace ones rubbed off.

4 c.Melanin – a pigment that protects your skin and gives it color (located in the epidermis). When skin is exposed to UV rays, melanin production increases and your skin becomes darker.

5 5  When melanocytes die, or do not function properly.

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7  Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It is also your largest sensory organ. STOP, PAUSE…. Take a DEEP BREATH You just breathed in dead skin cells from your neighbor! Dead dermis cells make up a large portion of ‘dust’.

8 2. Dermis – Located directly below the epidermis. a.Contains blood vessels, nerves, muscle, oil, sweat glands, and other structures.

9 3.Fatty Layer – insulates body  Think babies and sumo wrestlers….

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11 Fatty layers are key in terms of animal hibernation…



14  Your skin carries out several major functions. 1. Protection

15 2. Sensory organs 3. Formation of Vitamin D a.Produced in presence of UV light. b.Essential for good health. c.Helps body absorb calcium into blood.

16 4. Regulation of body temperature 5. Ridding the body of wastes

17 1. Bruises a.Tiny blood vessels below the skin burst. b.Color goes away after pigments breakdown and reenter the blood stream.

18 2. Cuts a.Any tear in the skin. b.Blood flows until a clot forms and then a scab forms. c.Skin cells divide and grow under scab until healed.

19 3. Skin Grafts a.Pieces of skin are cut from one part of a person’s body and moved to the injured or burned area where there is no skin. b.Must be from own body or identical twin.

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