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Presentation on theme: "NCD OSZ A LL H ANDS M EETING AND O FFICIALS U PDATE January 17, 2011."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda Rules Risk Management Case Studies Race Quality General Discussion 2


4 ALPINE RULES  The current Printed Alpine ICR is 2008  No FIS Printing until 2012  Web Version contains all changes to Antalya – June 2010  Very limited Precisions  Fall changes to be confirmed by Council Nov 6th 4

5 ICR corrections 2010  English Language work group changes included in Web Version  No alteration to intent – hopefully adds clarity  2010 mostly minor changes 5

6 ICR Corrections 2010 602.1.4.1 The development of a TD is: - Applicant - Observer at National Level FIS races - Oral entrance examination - Written entrance examination - Candidate - Practical Assessment (Speed Downhill Event) - Practical TD examination (technical eventGiant Slalom or Slalom acting as TD) - TD The FIS recommends that the National Ski Associations apply a maximum age limit of 40 for applicants and 65 years for TD's (qualifying date: 1 st July). 6

7 ICR Corrections 2010 602.1.5.2 The applicant must be nominated by his respective NSA. First Year....... Second Year........ As a Candidate Is assigned under the supervision of a TD Examiner (from another country) to a: - Practical assessment (speed Downhill event) - Practical examination (technical eventGiant Slalom or Slalom and acting as the TD) - Complete......... 7

8 ICR Corrections 2010 605.6 The times of the forerunners should not be published. 801.2.4 Number of Direction Changes (number of direction changes by rounding up or down of the decimals): Olympic Winter Games, FIS World Ski Championships and World Cup - 30% to 35% of the vertical drop, +/- 3 direction changes FIS, Continental Cup, Entry League races and Children competitions: - 30% to 35% of the vertical drop +/- 3 direction changes 8

9 ICR Corrections 2010 804.3 Where there is no outside pole, both feet and ski tips must have passed the turning pole on the same side, following the natural race line of the slalom. The natural race line is an imaginary line from turning pole to turning pole, which the racer has to cross. If the racer has not correctly passed the natural raceimaginary line from turning pole to turning pole and does not follow the natural race line, then he has to climb back up and pass around the missed turning pole. Where there is an outside pole (first and last gate, delayed gate, and combinations (hairpin, vertical) art. 661.4.1. is valid. 9

10 804.3 Where there is no outside pole, both feet and ski tips must have passed the turning pole on the same side, following the natural race line of the slalom. If the racer has not correctly passed the imaginary line from turning pole to turning pole and does not follow the natural race line, then he has to climb back up and pass around the missed turning pole. Where there is an outside pole (first and last gate, delayed gate, and combinations (hairpin, vertical) art. 661.4.1. is valid. 804.3 En l’absence de piquet extérieur, les deux pieds et les deux spatules des skis du compétiteur doivent avoir contourné le piquet pivot du même côté, déterminé par la ligne de course naturelle du slalom. Si celui-ci n‘a pas franchi correctement la ligne imaginaire la plus courte allant d’un piquetpivot à l’autre, il doit alors remonter la pente et contourner le piquet pivot du côté approprié. L’article 661.4.1 s’applique pour le franchissement des portes à deux piquets (pour la première, la dernière porte, les bananes et les combinaisons de portes verticales). Language Differences

11 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director 11

12 ICR Corrections 2010 1001.1.4Entry League Races (ENL) Men - 350 m - 500 m 1001.3.4 The Super-G must be set as follows (number of direction changes by rounding up or down of the decimals): For FIS level events 7% of the vertical drop equals the minimum number of direction changes. For OWG, WSC, WJC and COC level events 6% of the vertical drop equals the minimum number of direction changes. The distance between the turning poles of two successive gates must be at least 25 m (exception: art. 1003.1.1). Children's competitions: minimum 8%, maximum 10% direction changes of the vertical drop. Entry League (ENL) Men: minimum 7% of the vertical drop 1210.7 Team competitions may be conducted for Children’s competitions. Such team competitions should be described as «Specifications for Team Competitions for Children» 12

13 ICR Changes 2010 215 Entries  215.2 National Ski Associations are not permitted to enter and draw the same competitors in more than one competition on the same date. Note: This proposed change is under considerable debate and may not be accepted. Concern is the impact upon Organisers and quota 13

14 ICR Changes 2010 604.3 Team Captains Meetings and Draw In accordance with ICR 213.4 and 216 the time and location of the first team captain’s meeting and of the draw must be shown in the programme. An actual meeting, attended in person by team captains, jury, and race officials is an inseparable part of the competition and is important for communication of jury instructions, support of the OC, OC requests and information as well as a critical element for risk management and liability related matters. ICR 216 and 217 apply in all cases. 14

15 ICR Changes 2010 611.3.2.2 Photo Finish A Photo Finish System may be used to determine a competitor´s finish time. In case of a failure of system “A” and “B”, and where the competition has been recorded by the Photo Finish System, this time must be used in place of hand-timing using a correction factor. The correction factor is the difference between the time taken by the Photo Finish System and the electronic times (where possible) of the 3 competitors before the missed time. Where there is not 3 previous competitors then the time of a competitor(s) immediately after the missed time can be used. The sum of the 3 (or less) time differences divided by 3 (or less) is applied to the photo finish time of the competitor without electronic time. The photo finish time is taken when any part of the competitor´s body first crosses the finish line. The photo finish result is to be provided to the Jury only. 15

16 ICR Changes 2010 806.2 Limitations in the Second Run The Jury has the right to reduce the number of competitors for the second run to half on the first run start list. The decision has to be made no later than one hour before the start of the first run. The Jury has the right to reduce the number of competitors in the second run to half, provided that notice was given in the invitation or on the official notice board before the race started, and at the team captain's meeting before the draw. 906.2 Limitations in the Second Run The Jury has the right to reduce the number of competitors for the second run to half on the first run start list. The decision has to be made no later than one hour before the start of the first run. 16

17 ICR Changes 2010 904 Single Gate Giant Slalom All rules of the ICR are valid, except as follows: 904.1 Single Gate Giant Slalom is permitted only in International FIS level Competitions (see art 201.3.4, 201.3.4 and 201.3.6) 904.2 A Single Gate Giant Slalom has no outside gate, except for the first and the last gate and delayed gates. 904.3 Where there is no outside gate, both feet and ski tips must have passed the turning pole of the turning gate on the same side, following the natural race line of the giant slalom. If the racer has not correctly passed the imaginary line from turning pole to turning pole and does not follow the natural race line, then he has to climb back up and pass around the missed turning gate. Where there is an outside gate (first and last gate, delayed gate) art. 661.4.1. is valid. 904.4 All rules and regulations dealing with the width of the course should be considered, as if there is an imaginary outside gate. 17

18 Classifications 18

19 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Classifications 9.9.1 – Quotas MUST be supervised at TC Meeting AND before the draw by the TD, Race Secretary and TC. 9.9.2 – Any competitor who starts and exceeds Nations Quota will not be considered in result or penalty if breach is discovered before official results. Indicate as DSQ(Over Quota). If discovered later Office will re- calculate. 19

20 Competition Equipment 20 3.2 Thickness of ski boot soles Distance between the ski boot sole and the base of the heel including all hard and soft parts: Ladies, Men, Children I and II maximum 43 mm Ladies & Men MAS maximum 45 mm (Recommendation) Recommendation for children younger than 11 years.The height of the skis and the boots should be the same as in the categories CHI I and CHI II.

21 Timing Devices 21  FIS Timing Working Group includes:  Ted Savage, Allan Church, Dave Pym  FIS Data Working Group includes  Tami Strong, Allan Church, Dave Pym  Devices dated xxx.97 – not valid after June 30 unless manufacturer re-submits to COSC for re- testing. Some on list have already been re- submitted  Contact Manufacturer or Manufacturers Agent or Representative for updates and accurate info.

22 Timing Devices 22

23 Risk Management 23 Pre Race  B Nets  Willy bag  TC meeting  Race Program  Jury inspection Race  Jury Positions  Radio Protocol  Stop Start  Start Start  Hikers

24 Barry Net Installation Guide 24

25 Case Studies 25  Broken gate - Bromont  Bib switch  Missed DSQ’s  Race Program  Jury inspection

26 Jury Assignments 26 Effort to match and balance experience of Jury to equalize / educate officials.

27 EVENT QUALITY What was the best event you were at last year? Why is that?

28 EVENT QUALITY 1.What makes a good event? 2.What are the benefits of a good event? 3.Who is to be the beneficiary? 4.What needs improvement? 5.How do we improve events?

29 ROLE OF TD 1.Supervises Event 2.Represents FIS 3.Advisor to ROC 4.Chairman of Jury 5.Recommends Race to Score

30 ROLE OF JURY 1.Monitors adherence to Rules 2.Responsible for Technical matters 3.Unbiased and fair to all 4.Decisions on all issues not in ICR

31 Jury & Course Setters  Race Planning  Race Management  Race Timing & Scoring  Race Course Setting  Race Communication

32 Essential Equipment  Altimeter  Measuring tape  Rangefinder  Dye Pack – GS and SG  Stop watches  Radios  Shovels and rakes  Camera

33 Chief of Race – Pre Race  Ski area  Calendar & Points Listing  Meetings / Volunteers / Assignments  Equipment  Start List  Pre Race Jury Meetings  Secretariat – Program of the Day / Entry list  Safety – Plan & medical  Radios  Grooming  Weather forecast  Medals  Schedule of the day  Secure Forerunners

34 Chief of Race – Race Eve  Volunteer Meetings – Duties and program  Safety Set-up  Bibs  Tickets and other admin  Communications – Area & Ski Patrol  Equipment testing  Back-up – plan and equipment  Weather forecast  Forms package  Review rules  Course setter instructions  Radio plan

35 Chief of Race - Instructions  Chief of Course  Chief of Gates  Chief of Timing & Calculation  Secretary & Registration  Coaches  Forerunners

36 Chief of Race – Race Day  7:00 - Control the start  7:00 – Instruct Chief of Course  7:15 – Collect Jury and inspect  7:45 – Review course with COC and make sure the start area is secure  8:10 – Relax – go for pee / grab a snack  8:25 – Coaches meeting  8:30 – Jury positioning assignments  8:35 – Check on status of timing & communications  8:40 – Review final start list  8:45 – Cycle around  9:00 – Sync timers and watch start list loaded / open – close wand  9:10 – Go to position  9:24 – Clear from bottom  9:25 – First Fore-runner

37 Chief of Race – Post Race  Tear down  Hang out and watch tear down  Ensure results get posted  Thank you

38 Technical Delegate – Pre Race  Communicate with COR  Check the Codex and Calendar  Read the rules – ICR, National, Local  Review your job duties  Review the safety set-up  Look at last year’s results  Review program  Find out where to get your lift ticket and radio  Find equipment to bring  Review the start list and compare to National Points list  Print off a forms package

39 Technical Delegate – Race Morning  Meet the COR  Talk with the course setter  Meet the Jury  Follow the set  Review safety and set  Meet with the Jury to “Open the Course”  Coaches’ meeting  Meet with Timer and confirm timing and scoring is working  Open and close the wand  Determine when Sync will take place  Review volunteer numbers with COR  Confirm course maintenance strategy  Confirm radio protocol – clear and start stop  Meet with finish referee and start referee  Cycle  Take position  Clear the course

40 Technical Delegate Post-Race  Referee’s Report  Results  Scoring  Upload  Reports

41 Race Quality - CORs  Know your duties  Plan your race  Stick to it  All those people work for you and you better know what they are doing  Stay off the radio

42 Race Quality TD’s  Know your duties  Know your rules  You are not the COR  Be fast but not furious  Stay off the radio  Get your reports done and submitted

43 Race Quality – Coaches  Coaches meeting  “Hi, I’m the Chief of Race. Any questions?”  Schedule for the day  Inspections  Rules  Volunteers  Athlete management  Tear down  Results

44 Racer Quality - Referees  Know your rights, duties and rules  Talk to TD and COR during the week  Be there early and get a radio  Bring your drill, screw tool and ICR  Communicate with Jury and other coaches  Communicate with the Chief of Gates  Use time effectively. Be mobile and use your radio.  Do your report correctly  Always stand equal in jury meetings  Be professional – you are the only paid Jury member

45 Race Quality – Course Setters  Know the job  Know the rules  Communicate with Jury  Come prepared  Know the day schedule  Set for the athlete  Set to the safety  Bring friends  Set fast  Be decisive

46 QUICK QUIZ All Hands 2011

47 1)How many change direction can you set in a Super G Ladies National Championship with a 430 m Vertical drop?  a. 26  b. 25  c. 30  d. 28

48 2)Are forerunners obliged to use crash-helmets in Slalom?  a. Yes  b. Not necessary  c. Optional  d. Only in FIS races

49 3) Which year of birth is last year Junior in the season 2010/11?  a. 1990  b. 1991  c. 1993  d. 1989

50 4)In which of the following levels of competitions you do not need Hand Timing?  a. World Cup  b. Continental Cup  c. Children´s  d. UNI Races

51 5)“In the event that a competitor removes a pole from its vertical position before both the competitor's ski tips and both feet have passed the gate line,..  a. …he/she will be disqualified.”  b. …the ski tips and feet must still pass the original gate line. (marks in the snow).”  c. …must stop.”  d. …must encircle the outside pole.”

52 6) What is the minimum start interval in Downhill training or competition?  a. 30 sec  b. 60 sec  c. 45 sec  d. 40 sec

53 7) In a Single Pole Slalom the outside pole is not necessary in a:  a. Hairpin  b. Open Gate  c. First Gate  d. Last gate

54 8) For the season 2011/12 the F Value in Kombi is:  a. 1330  b. 1130  c. 1230  d. 1080


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