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Chapter 3-1 Forms of Dispute Resolution Pages 49-51.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3-1 Forms of Dispute Resolution Pages 49-51."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3-1 Forms of Dispute Resolution Pages 49-51

2 Dispute Resolution…no court Litigate – take disputes to court Mediator – tries to provide solution acceptable to both sides of a dispute…not legally binding Arbitrator – holds an informal hearing to determine what happened and provide a decision…enforceable by court order

3 Settle in court Court – governmental forum that administers justice under the law Damages Order other appropriate relief Impose punishment…fine or prison Two levels of courts Trial courts Appellate courts

4 Trial Courts Trial courts – court where dispute is first heard Hears witnesses & reviews evidence Verdict – decision – is made Original jurisdiction – original power to decide Judge and lawyers are officers of court

5 Participants of Trial Court Judge Lawyer Clerks Sheriffs/marshals/law enforcement Bailiffs Jury members witnesses

6 Appellate Courts Appellate court – reviews decisions of lower courts when a party claims an error was made during the lower court’s proceedings Judges don’t make determinations of fact…they look solely at errors of law Examine transcript – word-for-word record of the trial

7 Functions of appellate courts Appellate briefs – written arguments on the issues of law, submitted by the opposing attorneys List to attorney’s oral arguments in support of their briefs Judges may question attorneys about the case Appellate courts decide whether the decision of the lower court should be Affirmed – upheld Reversed – overturned Amended – changed Remanded – sent back to the trial court for corrective action or new trial

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