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Aim: Did the Mauryan or the Gupta achieve a Golden Age in India?

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1 Aim: Did the Mauryan or the Gupta achieve a Golden Age in India?
Do Now: When a woman’s husband dies, should she be expected to die along with him? NY State Standards 2 Common Core RS 5, 9, WS 2


3 I Mauryan Empire (323-185 BCE)
A) Chandragupta Maurya created the 1st great Indian Empire. Began by the Ganges river. B) The most famous Mauryan Emperor was King Asoka, Chandragupta’s grandson. He ruled from 270 to 232 BCE. Originally a Hindu, he converted to Buddhism in 262 BCE and then tried to spread Buddhism throughout his empire. Chandragupta Maurya King Asoka

4 Pataliputra Megasthenes, a Greek ambassador said the capital city Pataliputra “was crowned with 570 towers and 64 gates”. Why do you think a Greek ambassador was visiting the Mauryan capital in India?

5 Mauryan Empire Continued…
C) King Asoka erected the Edicts of Asoka (stone pillars across India) that described Buddhist beliefs. "Dharma is good, but what constitutes Dharma? (It includes) little evil, much good, kindness, generosity, truthfulness and purity." - Pilar Edict Nb2 Prior to Asoka’s conversion to Buddhism, he was able to conquer and keep his empire under control by killing anyone who defied him. Allegedly he was so horrified in 261 BCE after having massacred over 300,000 people in a battle that this is the moment he turned to Buddhism.

6 II Gupta Empire (320 – 550 CE) A) 500 years after the Mauryan Empire ended, the Gupta came to power. B) While the Gupta was smaller than the Mauryan Empire, they had many great achievements! Also, the Gupta Dynasty was mostly Hindu.

7 The Gupta Continued… Discovered the concepts of zero & infinity. Created our modern number system, including decimals. 2. Built Stupas: Buddhist religious buildings with a dome. 3. Invented vaccinations for smallpox, a deadly illness. 4. Created great works of art from iron. 5. Made advances in astronomy: Aryabhatta discovered that the Earth revolves around the sun, just like Aristarchus from Alexandria!

8 The Gupta Continued… Even though the Gupta invented the number system that we use today, they are called “Arabic numerals” because the Arabs spread the idea to Europe by trade.

9 Sanchi Stupa Stupas are built in the shape of the mandala, the sacred symbol that Buddhists share with Hindus. The square shape represents the earthly body, while the dome represents the heavens and enlightenment.

10 Iron Pillar, New Delhi, India

11 Vaccinations for Smallpox
"Take the fluid of the pock on the udder of the cow...upon the point of a lancer, and lance with it the arms between the shoulders and elbows until the blood appears; then, mixing the fluid with the blood, the fever of the small-pox will be produced. –Dhanwantari, circa 550 CE

12 III Sati A) Sati is the practice of throwing a widow onto her husband’s funeral pyre. It was believed that any devoted wife should want to do this, and that she would be reincarnated to be once again with her husband. B) Sati is a cultural, and not a traditional Hindu practice. C) While it is illegal today, unfortunately the burning of widows and even of brides still happens.

13 Summary Questions What were the main achievements of the Mauryan Dynasty? Explain why for each. What were the main achievements of the Gupta Dynasty? Explain why for each. List at least 2 ways in which the Mauryan and Gupta were different. What is sati and why was it practiced? Why do you think it was practiced? What does it tell you about the role of women in Indian society at this time?

14 Key Vocabulary Arabic Numerals Sati Aryabhatta Smallpox
Chandragupta Maurya Stupa Edicts of Asoka Vaccination Gupta Empire Infinity King Asoka Mauryan Empire Pataliputra

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