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VAC – CTRL SYS internal meeting, 14 Dec 2011. A list of topics Start of the disassembly works: mid Jan. At first the W arm shall be off- service, then.

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Presentation on theme: "VAC – CTRL SYS internal meeting, 14 Dec 2011. A list of topics Start of the disassembly works: mid Jan. At first the W arm shall be off- service, then."— Presentation transcript:

1 VAC – CTRL SYS internal meeting, 14 Dec 2011

2 A list of topics Start of the disassembly works: mid Jan. At first the W arm shall be off- service, then the N one and the central are towers. Starting from Feb or March you can come on site when you need, previous a quick check with us, to work on control racks. the DT rack will have to be dismounted to allow for platform modifications. It could be transported to Lal. Planning still to be discussed. Equipment procurement (PLC,...) should be planned in some detail in order to discuss and organize the administrative procedures for the purchases. When do you foresee the first significant expenses? Vacuum system review is foreseen for 7-8 march, the release of the ‘Design Document’ 10 days in advance. We need to fix a schedule to write it. Cost estimation is to be given more precisely

3 Some work in progress : Racks seismic isolation : the concept was tested with Irene, a proto has been prepared and it is ready to be installed for final tests. A report shall be prepared. Racks acoustic mitigation : ‘silent fans’ (Irene) Racks DC supplies delocation: common with other SS, cabinet on the wall/ DAQ rooms. Flavio,... PLC specs for procurement at Ego (slide from Giulio/Martin) A new turbo shall be sent for test to Lal in Jan (could have same interface of the tcm1601). gauges UHV 24 shall replace the ITR100 ones on tubes. Shall installed in service in 2012(provisionally on eth converter?)

4 Modifications of the Vacuum system of central area: Minitowers design is being discussed and their pumping system proposed. A dedicated is planned in short time. Enlarged links are far to being exactly finalized, but some of pumping system shall be presented at one of the next DIM meeting. The related doc is still to be upgraded and circulated (Antonio) What will remains out are details of some components. Hopefully this document shall be enough to let you define sufficiently the ctrl system design

5 One prototype ready to be installed and tested

6 Thermocamera An example of thermal check of the inner of a rack shall be send shortly to Lal. We need informations on future tower racks air cooling needs in order to propose a possible ‘fans solution’

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