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Wikispaces Welcome Wikispaces in K–12 Education [3/30/2011] Welcome Read-only Web v. Read/Write Web Wikis Getting Started with Wikispaces Wrap-up and Q&A.

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Presentation on theme: "Wikispaces Welcome Wikispaces in K–12 Education [3/30/2011] Welcome Read-only Web v. Read/Write Web Wikis Getting Started with Wikispaces Wrap-up and Q&A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wikispaces Welcome Wikispaces in K–12 Education [3/30/2011] Welcome Read-only Web v. Read/Write Web Wikis Getting Started with Wikispaces Wrap-up and Q&A

2 Welcome Activity 1. What is the read/write web? 2. What is a wiki? 3. What do these things mean for you and your students? 4. Why are we here?

3 Read-only Web Powerful resource for educators and students, but… Information moves from publishers to consumers Information cannot be edited One-way Web (Web 1.0)

4 Read/Write Web It is now as easy to create as it is to consume Anyone can publish, share, and change information online Two-way Web (Web 2.0) This is changing our world!

5 Wikis A wiki is a website that anyone can edit. If you can use a word processor, you can use a wiki! Visitors can see a history of changes and revert to earlier versions. Visitors can discuss the page in a threaded forum.

6 Wikipedia Online encyclopedia Collaboratively authored and edited Over 1 million users worldwide Over 1 million articles in English Great resource, but… Use with caution

7 Educational Wikis Collaboratively authored class texts Writing projects Group projects Sharing resources Grade level teams Subject area teams Professional development Professional Learning Communities (PLC) e-Portfolios Clubs, PTAs, and events Mapping of concepts, brainstorming Presentation tools

8 Activity 1: Define an Educational Wiki Define an educational wiki for based on the following criteria: 1. What is a basic description of the wiki? 2. Who is the intended audience for the wiki and what would they get out of it? 3. Who are the intended contributors for the wiki and what would they contribute? 4. How does the wiki accomplish something that only a wiki can accomplish? 5. How could you adapt this a model for your own work?

9 Activity 2: Create Your Own Wiki Create an Account (if you haven't already) Create a Wiki Edit This Page Discussion History Notifications Create a New Page Edit Navigation Manage Wiki My Account Create more wikis!

10 Benefits Engagement and motivation Context-embedded learning Inquiry-driven learning Collaborative learning Reflection and meta-cognition 21 st -century skills

11 Concerns Information literacy Inappropriate content Inappropriate sharing Threats and cyber-bullying Intellectual property Fraud and identity theft Stalkers and predators Lack of understanding

12 Reflection Activity 1. What is the most important thing you learned today? 2. What are your next steps for using wikis in your work? 3. What do you want to learn more about?

13 Q&A Go ahead, ask me anything.

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