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CSE PhD Program Prof. Gagan Agrawal Grad Studies Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE PhD Program Prof. Gagan Agrawal Grad Studies Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE PhD Program Prof. Gagan Agrawal Grad Studies Chair

2 Degree Programs Masters non-thesis / coursework Masters thesis / research Ph.D

3 Admitted Groups Masters non-thesis / unspecified Research Masters Direct Ph.D track

4 Type Conversions Masters non-thesis students can switch to thesis option by finding an advisor for masters thesis Masters students become Ph.D students if they take and pass Ph.D qualifying examination Research masters students cannot switch to non- thesis option – petition to grad studies in truly exceptional circumstances Ph.D students cannot switch to masters program – petition to grad studies in truly exceptional circumstances

5 PhD Program Three Stages – Qualification Process Quals or Acceleration Optioin – Post-quals – Pre-candidacy Research and Coursework – Post-candidacy Dissertation Research

6 First Stage Focus on breadth in core CS areas Demonstrate Suitability for PhD – Master Core Topics – Show promise of doing research

7 Rules for Core/Qualifying Core Classes - 3 Semester Credits each – CSE 6321 - Theory – CSE 6331 - Algorithms – CSE 6341 - PL – CSE 6421 - Architecture – CSE 6431 – OS For acceleration/quals, take – CSE 6331 (Algorithms) – CSE 6321 (Theory) OR CSE 6341 (PL) – CSE 6421 (Architecture) OR CSE 6431 (OS) Acceleration: 3.6 in three courses (as above) within first 2 semesters Qualifiers: 2 hour exam in each area (6 hours total, over 1 ½ days)

8 More Details of Acceleration If you take multiple tries in a course – We will count the first attempt only Conditional pass only – Need to finish a research piece in second year!

9 Ph.D Qualifying A max of two attempts are allowed Direct Ph.D track students are normally expected to take it after the first year Must pass within your second year to be eligible for support later

10 Timing for Comps/Quals August – Just before Fall Classes start March – During spring break (middle of spring semester) 2 days, 3 2-hour exams – Day 1 morning, Day 1 afternoon, Day 2 morning

11 Types of Classes (Ph.D students) Core Classes - 6xxx Primarily Undergrad Courses – 5xxx, 2 credits – Meets with a 3 credit 2xxx/3xxx courses – Mostly for making up deficiencies in background - could count for certain minors Other 5100 and higher numbered letter graded courses – 5xy9 research-oriented seminar but letter graded Research Credits – 6xy9 – research group seminar – Independent Study - 6193 and 8193 – Research for MS students - 6998 and 6999 – Research for PhD - 8998 (Pre-candidacy) and 8999 (Post-Candidacy)

12 PhD Coursework PhD Major is 10 credits – Only letter graded courses – Can use a core class not used for qualifying E.g. Architecture, if OS used for qualifying – Details for most areas are available online

13 PhD Coursework PhD Minors are 6 credits each – At most 1 S/U credit (e.g. 6xy9). – Can use a core class not used for qualifying E.g. Architecture, if OS used for qualifying – Details for most areas available online

14 Stage 2 – Beyond Coursework Candidacy Examination – Typically after 2.5 – 4 years in the program – Involves a thesis proposal and written and oral examinations demonstrating knowledge of major area – A clear research plan and substantial research progress required – Most students have several publications at this stage

15 Stage 3 - ABD Work on research, publications etc. Finish writing dissertation Oral Examination based on dissertation Submission of final approved dissertation

16 Research Progress Evaluation Conducted every spring, for Ph.D students finishing two or more years in the program Requires clear research plan and established relationship with an advisor Expect research involvement and paper submissions after year 2, publications after year 3, … A satisfactory rating is key for future funding

17 Normal Support Policies – Students admitted with Funding Initial support for 2 years – Requires satisfactory GPA – Requires good performance on TA/RA duties – International students must pass the spoken English test to be eligible for year 2 support Third and Fourth Years – Must have passed the Ph.D qualifying examination – Satisfactory research progress, as judged by grad studies committee – In most cases, as RA only

18 Normal Support Policies Years 5 and 6 – Must have passed Ph.D candidacy examination – Satisfactory or better research progress – In most cases, as RA only Limit on TA support – 4 academic year semesters over the length of your stay – Exception: 1 per advisor allowed as exception at anytime All of the above entering the department guaranteed support – If you are entering w/o support, case-by-case after passing quals

19 Some Other Tips Focus on excellence, rather than meeting minimum requirements Create good impression during any of your interactions – Graded classes, research credits, TAship duties Show initiative, prove yourself to be reliable and capable

20 Being a TA/Grader It is a job, not a ``scholarship’’ Think that your students are paying your stipend/tuition waiver Be very responsible – communicate with instructor/course coordinator, students Good/Bad reputation spreads quickly…

21 Transfer Credits Only for graduate credits taken as a graduate student Different rules for different requirements – 3 core classes for acceleration Cannot count courses/grades taken elsewhere – PhD Major and Minor Flexibly with major and minor advisors

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