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Published byCody O’Neal’ Modified over 9 years ago
Survey Results & analysis from NCMA Board of Directors Assessment for the April 12, 2008 Board Meeting NCMA Board Meeting August 3, 2008
Executive Summary This report contains a detailed statistical analysis of the results to the survey titled NCMA Board of Directors Assessment Checklist (April 12, 2008 Board Meeting). The results analysis includes answers from all respondents who took the survey in the 23 day period from Monday, April 21, 2008 to Wednesday, May 14, 2008. 14 completed responses were received to the survey during this time.
1) Board members receive regular training and information about their roles and responsibilities. I. Legal & Procedural Issues)
2) The organization operates in accordance with its articles of incorporation and its bylaws. (I. Legal & Procedural Issues)
3) The roles and responsibilities of board members are clearly defined and communicated in role descriptions for all committees and positions within the board. (II. Governance Structure & Execution)
4) The roles of the board as a whole, individual board members, the executive director, and NCMA staff are defined and respected. It is clear that the executive director serves as the manager of NCMA’s operations while the board focuses on policy and planning. (II. Governance Structure & Execution)
Comments: 4. I think there is still tension amongst some as to the roles of the BOD and the ED. Generally, members of the BOD are take charge types and I think they forget sometimes that we are there to focus on policy and planning vice the day to day.
5) The organization ensures there is a formal succession planning process to identify future board members in light of current board skills, backgrounds, and future strategic planning-based needs. (III. Board Recruitment, Retention, and Renewal)
6) The board reflects the diversity of NCMA’s professionals. (III. Board Recruitment, Retention, and Renewal)
Comments: still uncertain about diversity until we better define this question. Q-5 Complete transparency and full elections are required for all, Including the President. Q-6 The Board does not reflect "Professional Diversity" 6. Diversity of professionals - related to ethnicity, male/female, age, actual profession. The recent election has changed the BOD mix as to male/female ratios. It hasn't necessarily gotten us to a younger group of folks or taken care of the ethnic balance. Since it appears to me that the BOD focus has moved toward a more experienced and seasoned BOD dealing with business decisions and policies, I wonder whether we will encourage young people to reach toward the BOD before they become "gray beards."
7) Board members arrive prepared for meetings, having read the agenda, minutes, and reports sent out earlier. (IV. Effective Meetings)
Comments: We have gotten much better at this over the last two years!
8) NCMA as an organization is open to people with diverse views, opinions, and experiences. (V. Internal Climate)
9) Relationships among board members, staff, volunteers, and service users are characterized by openness, trust, and mutual respect. (V. Internal Climate)
Comments: My impression is that it's okay to have diverse views as long as you don't voice them. There are mixed messages where on one hand, we are told directors are not participating. Then, when we do try to get our point across, it is received with rolling eyes and impatient responses. Q-9 Some Board members are very non-inclusive of other Board members. Comments by some NCMA members "some Board members are very un-approachable" 9. There seems to be an underlying fear that there is a lot of turnover right now and the BOD doesn't find out about until it has happened or is about to happen.
10) The board strikes the right balance between long-term vision and immediate needs and clearly communicates what NCMA wants to achieve. (VI. Planning and Marketing)
11) The board ensures that NCMA is flexible enough to respond to new opportunities and challenges. (VI. Planning and Marketing)
Comments: Q-10 and 11, the Board is Very slow to react to, or implement changes. Long term planning effectiveness needs to be re-addressed, and improved. 11. I'm not sure that I agree with There is at times the sense that we are turning a ship. For some it is too slow and others it is too fast.
12) The board ensures that NCMA evaluates its services and activities regularly. (VII. Evaluation)
13) The association evaluates the services it offers from the perspective of the full range of stakeholders (e.g. chapters, members, board members, staff, and board of advisors) and uses the results of that evaluation for future planning and goal setting. (VII. Evaluation)
Comments: Board of Advisor comments should be documented, bulletized and assigned to specific personnel on the Exex committee or staff for research, reporting out and resolution. Recommend an alternative development of a groupware "blog" method of capturing BOA comments, as the present method during a lunch or short meeting does not provide well thought out, comprehensive and representative comments from the entire BOA. Am available to further explain and discuss.
14) The board and staff work as a team when change is planned or occurring. All viewpoints are considered and the decision-making process is open and transparent. (VIII. Managing Change)
Comments: All viewpoints are seldom heard, never mind considered. The decision-making process is not open or transparent.
15) NCMA has taken the appropriate steps to ensure it is recognized as a leader in the acquisition community. (IX. External Climate)
16) NCMA has effective policies or strategies for dealing with media, government, or other major stakeholders when critical issues arise.(IX. External Climate)
17) The Executive Director, with Board insight, has recruited, selected, and hired professional staff pursuant to mutually accepted performance criteria, expectations, diversity, and reasonable compensation. (X. Human Resources)
18) The board, executive director, and his/her staff work together effectively to deliver value to the acquisition community at large. (X. Human Resources)
Comments: Q-18 NCMA needs to address the non-government community at large. There is little to no news, articles, etc. for Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, Construction, Hospitality, and other at large acquisitions heavily involved with acquisition. 17. I'm not sure that the BOD has a true sense of what the ED is looking for in professional staff, since we are not privy to the day to day activities. I believe the Executive Officers have better insight than the BOD.
19) Adequate financial tools are in place to ensure NCMA resources are effectively managed (e.g., financial policies, internal controls, regular audits, frequent financial reports). (XI. Financial Management and Resource Development)
20) The board is given the opportunity to review monthly financial statements of expenditures and revenues against the approved budget. (XI. Financial Management and Resource Development)
Comments: NCMA is very efficient in this area in my opinion.
21) It is evident that board members contribute their skills and perspective to the work of the board and the association. (XII. Personal Commitment of Board Members)
22) Board members are able to put aside personal positions when compromise is necessary. (XII. Personal Commitment of Board Members)
23) The board is regularly informed by the president and the executive director on the progress being made to implement association strategies and achieve our strategic objectives. (XIII. Strategic Planning)
24) I am satisfied that the association is making effective progress to achieve its strategic objectives and implement its strategies. (XIII. Strategic Planning)
Comments: Q-24 "Progress" in my opinion moves at a pedestrian rate. We need to start moving not at a evolutionary rate, but rather, a revolutionary rate. The time has never been so perfect for us to take advantage of establishing ourselves as the Global Contract Management Profession of Choice.
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