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General Comparison between AISC LRFD and ASD

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1 General Comparison between AISC LRFD and ASD
5/25/2005 General Comparison between AISC LRFD and ASD Hamid Zand GT STRUDL Users Group Las Vegas, Nevada June 22-25, 2005 GT STRUDL, CASE Center

2 AISC ASD and LRFD AISC = American Institute of Steel Construction
ASD = Allowable Stress Design AISC Ninth Edition LRFD = Load and Resistance Factor Design AISC Third Edition

3 AISC Steel Design Manuals
1963 AISC ASD 6th Edition 1969 AISC ASD 7th Edition 1978 AISC ASD 8th Edition 1989 AISC ASD 9th Edition 1986 AISC LRFD 1st Edition 1993 AISC LRFD 2nd Edition 1999 AISC LRFD 3rd Edition

4 ASD and LRFD Major Differences
Load Combinations and load factors ASD results are based on the stresses and LRFD results are based on the forces and moments capacity Static analysis is acceptable for ASD but nonlinear geometric analysis is required for LRFD Beams and flexural members Cb computation

5 ASD Load Combinations 1.0D + 1.0L 0.75D + 0.75L + 0.75W
0.75D L E D = dead load L = live load W = wind load E = earthquake load

6 ASD Load Combinations Or you can use following load combinations with the parameter ALSTRINC to account for the 1/3 allowable increase for the wind and seismic load 1.0D + 1.0L 1.0D + 1.0L + 1.0W 1.0D + 1.0L + 1.0E PARAMETER $ ALSTRINC based on the % increase ALSTRINC LOADINGS 2 3

7 LRFD Load Combinations
1.2D + 1.6W + 0.5L 1.2D ± 1.0E + 0.5L 0.9D ± (1.6W or 1.0E) D = dead load L = live load W = wind load E = earthquake load

8 Deflection Load Combinations for ASD and LRFD
1.0D + 1.0L + 1.0W 1.0D + 1.0L + 1.0E D = dead load L = live load W = wind load E = earthquake load

9 Forces and Stresses ASD = actual stress values are compared to the AISC allowable stress values LRFD = actual forces and moments are compared to the AISC limiting forces and moments capacity

10 ASTM Steel Grade Comparison is between Table 1 of the AISC ASD 9th Edition on Page 1-7 versus Table 2-1 of the AISC LRFD 3rd Edition on Page 2-24 A529 Gr. 42 of ASD, not available in LRFD A529 Gr. 50 and 55 are new in LRFD A441 not available in LRFD A572 Gr. 55 is new in LRFD A618 Gr. I, II, & III are new in LRFD A913 Gr. 50, 60, 65, & 70 are new in LRFD A992 (Fy = 50, Fu = 65) is new in LRFD (new standard) A847 is new in LRFD

11 Slenderness Ratio Compression KL/r ≤ 200 Tension L/r ≤ 300

12 Tension Members Check L/r ratio
Check Tensile Strength based on the cross-section’s Gross Area Check Tensile Strength based on the cross-section’s Net Area

13 Tension Members ASD ft = FX/Ag ≤ Ft Gross Area
ft = FX/Ae ≤ Ft Net Area LRFD Pu = FX ≤ ϕt Pn = ϕt Ag Fy ϕt = 0.9 for Gross Area Pu = FX ≤ ϕt Pn = ϕt Ae Fu ϕt = 0.75 for Net Area

14 Tension Members ASD (ASD Section D1) Gross Area Ft = 0.6Fy
Net Area Ft = 0.5Fu LRFD (LRFD Section D1) Gross Area ϕt Pn = ϕt Fy Ag ϕt = 0.9 Net Area ϕt Pn = ϕt Fu Ae ϕt = 0.75

15 General Comparison between AISC LRFD and ASD
5/25/2005 Compare ASD to LRFD ASD 1.0D + 1.0L LRFD 1.2D + 1.6L 0.6Fy (ASD) × (1.5) = 0.9Fy (LRFD) 0.5Fu (ASD) × (1.5) = 0.75Fu (LRFD) ASD × (1.5) = LRFD GT STRUDL, CASE Center

16 Tension Members

17 Tension Members Member is 15 feet long
Fixed at the top of the member and free at the bottom Loadings are: Self weight 400 kips tension force at the free end Load combinations based on the ASD and LRFD codes Steel grade is A992 Design based on the ASD and LRFD codes

18 Tension Members ASD W18x46 Actual/Allowable Ratio = 0.989 LRFD
W10x49 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.989

19 Tension Members ASD W18x46 Area = 13.5 in.2
FX = kips Ratio = 0.989 LRFD W10x49 Area = in.2 FX = kips Ratio = 0.989

20 Tension Members LRFD W10x49 Area = 14.4 in.2
Load Factor difference between LRFD and ASD / = 1.599 Equation Factor difference between LRFD and ASD LRFD = (1.5) × ASD Estimate required cross-sectional area for LRFD LRFD W10x49 Area = in.2

21 Tension Members LRFD W10x49 Ratio = 0.989
Code Check based on the ASD9 and using W10x49 FX = kips Ratio = 0.928 Load Factor difference between LRFD and ASD / = 1.599 LRFD W10x49 Ratio = 0.989

22 Tension Members ASD LRFD Example # 1 Live Load = 400 kips
W18x46 Actual/Allowable Ratio = 0.989 LRFD W10x49 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.989 Example # 2 Dead Load = 200 kips Live Load = 200 kips W14x43 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.989 Code check W14x43 based on the ASD9 W14x43 Actual/Allowable Ratio = 1.06

23 Compression Members Check KL/r ratio
Compute Flexural-Torsional Buckling and Equivalent (KL/r)e Find Maximum of KL/r and (KL/r)e Compute Qs and Qa based on the b/t and h/tw ratios Based on the KL/r ratio, compute allowable stress in ASD or limiting force in LRFD

24 Compression Members ASD fa = FX/Ag ≤ Fa LRFD
Pu = FX ≤ ϕc Pn = ϕc Ag Fcr Where ϕc = 0.85

25 Limiting Width-Thickness Ratios for Compression Elements
ASD b/t = h/tw = LRFD

26 Limiting Width-Thickness Ratios for Compression Elements
Assume E = ksi ASD b/t = h/tw = LRFD

27 Compression Members ASD KL/r ≤ C′c (ASD E2-1 or A-B5-11)

28 Compression Members ASD KL/r > C′c (ASD E2-2) LRFD (LRFD A-E3-3)

29 Compression Members LRFD

30 Compression Members ASD LRFD Fcr / Fa = 1.681
LRFD Fcr = ASD Fa × 1.681

31 Compression Members ASD LRFD (ASD C-E2-2)
λc = Maximum of ( λcy , λcz , λe )

32 Compression Members LRFD Where:

33 Compression Members Flexural-Torsional Buckling

34 Qs Computation ASD LRFD

35 Qs Computation Assume E = ksi ASD LRFD

36 Qs Computation ASD LRFD

37 Qs Computation Assume E = ksi ASD LRFD

38 Qa Computation ASD LRFD

39 Compression Members

40 Compression Members Member is 15 feet long
Fixed at the bottom of the column and free at the top Loadings are: Self weight 100 kips compression force at the free end Load combinations based on the ASD and LRFD codes Steel grade is A992 Design based on the ASD and LRFD codes

41 Compression Members ASD W10x49 Actual/Allowable Ratio = 0.941 LRFD
W10x54 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.944

42 Compression Members ASD W10x49 Area = 14.4 in.2
FX = kips Ratio = 0.941 LRFD W10x54 Area = in.2 FX = kips Ratio = 0.944

43 General Comparison between AISC LRFD and ASD
5/25/2005 Compression Members Load Factor difference between LRFD and ASD / = 1.598 Equation Factor difference between LRFD and ASD LRFD Fcr = (1.681) × ASD Fa Estimate required cross-sectional area for LRFD LRFD W10x54 Area = 15.8 inch GT STRUDL, CASE Center

44 General Comparison between AISC LRFD and ASD
5/25/2005 Compression Members Code Check based on the ASD9 and use W10x54 FX = kips Ratio = 0.845 Load Factor difference between LRFD and ASD / = 1.597 LRFD W10x54 Ratio = 0.944 GT STRUDL, CASE Center

45 Compression Members ASD Example # 1 Live Load = 100 kips
W10x49 Actual/Allowable Ratio = 0.941 LRFD W10x54 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.944 Example # 2 Dead Load = 50 kips Live Load = 50 kips W10x49 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.921 Code check W10x49 based on the ASD9

46 Flexural Members Based on the b/t and h/tw ratios determine the compactness of the cross-section Classify flexural members as Compact, Noncompact, or Slender When noncompact section in ASD, allowable stress Fb is computed based on the l/rt ratio. l is the laterally unbraced length of the compression flange. Also, Cb has to be computed When noncompact or slender section in LRFD, LTB, FLB, and WLB are checked LTB for noncompact or slender sections is computed using Lb and Cb. Lb is the laterally unbraced length of the compression flange

47 Flexural Members ASD fb = MZ/SZ ≤ Fb LRFD Mu = MZ ≤ ϕb Mn
Where ϕb = 0.9

48 Limiting Width-Thickness Ratios for Compression Elements
ASD LRFD Assume E = ksi

49 Flexural Members Compact Section
ASD (ASD F1-1) Fb = 0.66Fy LRFD (LRFD A-F1-1) ϕb Mn = ϕb Mp = ϕb Fy ZZ ≤ 1.5Fy SZ Where ϕb = 0.9

50 Flexural Members Compact Section
Braced at 1/3 Points

51 Flexural Members Compact Section
Member is 12 feet long Fixed at both ends of the member Loadings are: Self weight 15 kips/ft uniform load Load combinations based on the ASD and LRFD codes Steel grade is A992 Braced at the 1/3 Points Design based on the ASD and LRFD codes

52 Flexural Members Compact Section
ASD W18x40 Actual/Allowable Ratio = 0.959 LRFD W18x40 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.982

53 Flexural Members Compact Section
ASD W18x40 Sz = 68.4 in.3 MZ = inch-kips Ratio = 0.959 LRFD W18x40 Zz = 78.4 in.3 MZ = inch-kips Ratio = 0.982

54 Flexural Members Compact Section
Load Factor difference between LRFD and ASD / = Equation Factor difference between LRFD and ASD LRFD = (0.66Sz)(1.5989) / (0.9Zz) × ASD Zz LRFD W18x40 Zz = 78.4 in.3

55 Flexural Members Compact Section
Code Check based on the ASD9, Profile W18x40 MZ = inch-kips Ratio = 0.959 Load Factor difference between LRFD and ASD / = LRFD W18x40 Ratio = 0.982

56 Flexural Members Compact Section
ASD Example # 1 Live Load = 15 kips/ft W18x40 Actual/Allowable Ratio = 0.959 LRFD W18x40 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.982 Example # 2 Dead Load = 7.5 kips/ft Live Load = 7.5 kips/ft W18x40 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.859 Code check W18x40 based on the ASD9

57 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
ASD Based on b/t, d/tw and h/tw determine if the section is noncompact Compute Cb Compute Qs Based on the l/rt ratio, compute allowable stress Fb Laterally unbraced length of the compression flange (l) has a direct effect on the equations of the noncompact section

58 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
ASD fb = MZ/SZ ≤ Fb LRFD Mu = MZ ≤ ϕb Mn Where ϕb = 0.9

59 Limiting Width-Thickness Ratios for Compression Elements

60 Limiting Width-Thickness Ratios for Compression Elements
Assume E = ksi ASD LRFD

61 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
ASD (ASD F1-3) (ASD F1-2) ASD Equations F1-6, F1-7, and F1-8 must to be checked.

62 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
ASD When (ASD F1-6)

63 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
ASD When (ASD F1-7)

64 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
ASD For any value of l/rT (ASD F1-8)

65 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
LRFD LTB, Lateral-Torsional Buckling FLB, Flange Local Buckling WLB, Web Local Buckling

66 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
LRFD LTB Compute Cb Based on the Lb, compute limiting moment capacity. Lb is the lateral unbraced length of the compression flange, λ = Lb/ry Lb has a direct effect on the LTB equations for noncompact and slender sections FLB Compute limiting moment capacity based on the b/t ratio of the flange, λ = b/t WLB Compute limiting moment capacity based on the h/tw ratio of the web, λ = h/tw

67 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
LRFD LTB (Table A-F1.1) For λp < λ ≤ λr (LRFD A-F1-2) Where: Mp = Fy Zz ≤ 1.5Fy Sz Mr = FLSz FL = Smaller of (Fyf − Fr) or Fyw λ = Lb/ry λp =

68 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
LRFD LTB (Table A-F1.1) Where: λr = X1 = X2 =

69 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
LRFD FLB (Table A-F1.1) For λp < λ ≤ λr (LRFD A-F1-3) Where: Mp = Fy Zz ≤ 1.5Fy Sz Mr = FLSz FL = Smaller of (Fyf − Fr) or Fyw λ = b/t λp = λr =

70 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
LRFD WLB (Table A-F1.1) For λp < λ ≤ λr (LRFD A-F1-3) Where: Mp = Fy Zz ≤ 1.5Fy Sz Mr = Re Fy Sz Re = for non-hybrid girder

71 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
LRFD WLB (Table A-F1.1) λ = h/tw λp = λr =

72 Flexural Members Noncompact Section

73 Flexural Members Noncompact Section

74 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
Member is 12 feet long Pin at the start of the member Roller at the end of the member Cross-section is W12x65 Loadings are: Self weight 12 kips/ft uniform load Load combinations based on the ASD and LRFD codes Steel grade is A992 Check code based on the ASD and LRFD codes

75 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
ASD W12x65 Cb = 1.0 Actual/Allowable Ratio = 0.988 LRFD W12x65 Cb = 1.136 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.971 Code check is controlled by FLB. Cb = 1.0 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.973

76 Flexural Members Noncompact Section
ASD Example # 1 Live Load = 12 kips/ft W12x65 Actual/Allowable Ratio = 0.988 LRFD W12x65 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.971 Example # 2 Dead Load = 6 kips/ft Live Load = 6 kips/ft W12x65 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.85 Code check W12x65 based on the ASD9

77 Design for Shear ASD fv = FY/Aw ≤ Fv = 0.4Fy (ASD F4-1) LRFD
Vu = FY ≤ ϕvVn = ϕv0.6Fyw Aw (LRFD F2-1) Where ϕv = 0.9

78 Design for Shear Assume E = 29000 ksi ASD
fv = FY/Aw ≤ Fv = 0.4Fy (ASD F4-1) LRFD Vu = FY ≤ ϕvVn = ϕv0.6Fyw Aw (LRFD F2-1) Where ϕv = 0.9

79 Design for Shear ASD fv = FY/Ay ≤ (ASD F4-2) LRFD
Vu = FY ≤ ϕvVn = ϕv (LRFD F2-2) Where ϕv = 0.9

80 Design for Shear LRFD Vu = FY ≤ ϕvVn = ϕv (LRFD F2-3) Where ϕv = 0.9

81 Design for Shear Braced at 1/3 Points

82 Design for Shear Same as example # 3 which is used for design of flexural member with compact section Member is 12 feet long Fixed at both ends of the member Loadings are: Self weight 15 kips/ft uniform load Load combinations based on the ASD and LRFD codes Steel grade is A992 Braced at the 1/3 Points Design based on the ASD and LRFD codes

83 Design for Shear ASD (Check shear at the end of the member, equation “F4-1 Y”) W18x40 Actual/Allowable Ratio = 0.8 LRFD (Check shear at the end of the member, equation “A-F2-1 Y”) W18x40 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.948

84 Design for Shear ASD W18x40 Ay = 5.638 in.2
FY = kips Ratio = 0.8 LRFD FY = kips Ratio = 0.948

85 Design for Shear LRFD W18x40 Ratio = 0.948
Code Check based on the ASD9, Profile W18x40 FY = kips Ratio = 0.8 Load Factor difference between LRFD and ASD / = Equation Factor difference between LRFD and ASD LRFD = (0.4)(1.5989) /(0.6)(0.9) × ASD LRFD W18x40 Ratio = 0.948

86 Design for Shear ASD Example # 1 Live Load = 15 kips/ft
W18x40 Actual/Allowable Ratio = 0.8 LRFD W18x40 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.948 Example # 2 Dead Load = 7.5 kips/ft Live Load = 7.5 kips/ft W18x40 Actual/Limiting Ratio = 0.83 Code check W18x40 based on the ASD9

87 Combined Forces ASD fa /Fa > 0.15 (ASD H1-2) LRFD Pu /ϕPn ≥ 0.2
(LRFD H1-1a)

88 Combined Forces ASD fa /Fa ≤ 0.15 LRFD Pu /ϕPn < 0.2 (ASD H1-1)
(LRFD H1-1a)

89 Combined Forces

90 Combined Forces 3D Simple Frame Loadings
3 Bays in X direction 15 ft 2 Bays in Z direction 30 ft 2 Floors in Y direction 15 ft Loadings Self weight of the Steel Self weight of the Slab psf Other dead loads psf Live load on second floor psf Live load on roof psf Wind load in the X direction psf Wind load in the Z direction psf

91 Combined Forces ASD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> < Active Units Weight Unit = KIP Length Unit = INCH > < > < Steel Take Off Itemize Based on the PROFILE > < Total Length, Volume, Weight, and Number of Members > < Profile Names Total Length Total Volume Total Weight # of Members > < W10x E E E > < W12x E E E > < W12x E E E > < W12x E E E > < W6x E E E > < W8x E E E > < W8x E E E > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> < ACTIVE UNITS WEIGHT KIP LENGTH INCH > < > < TOTAL LENGTH, WEIGHT AND VOLUME FOR SPECIFIED MEMBERS > < LENGTH = E+04 WEIGHT = E+01 VOLUME = E+05 >

92 Combined Forces LRFD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> < Active Units Weight Unit = KIP Length Unit = INCH > < > < Steel Take Off Itemize Based on the PROFILE > < Total Length, Volume, Weight, and Number of Members > < Profile Names Total Length Total Volume Total Weight # of Members > < W10x E E E > < W10x E E E > < W10x E E E > < W12x E E E > < W6x E E E > < W8x E E E > < W8x E E E > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> < ACTIVE UNITS WEIGHT KIP LENGTH INCH > < > < TOTAL LENGTH, WEIGHT AND VOLUME FOR SPECIFIED MEMBERS > < LENGTH = E+04 WEIGHT = E+01 VOLUME = E+05 >

93 Combined Forces ASD WEIGHT = kips LRFD WEIGHT = kips

94 Deflection Design ASD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> < Active Units Weight Unit = KIP Length Unit = INCH > < > < Steel Take Off Itemize Based on the PROFILE > < Total Length, Volume, Weight, and Number of Members > < Profile Names Total Length Total Volume Total Weight # of Members > < W10x E E E > < W12x E E E > < W12x E E E > < W12x E E E > < W14x E E E > < W14x E E E > < W6x E E E > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> < ACTIVE UNITS WEIGHT KIP LENGTH INCH > < > < TOTAL LENGTH, WEIGHT AND VOLUME FOR SPECIFIED MEMBERS > < LENGTH = E+04 WEIGHT = E+01 VOLUME = E+05 >

95 Deflection Design LRFD
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> < Active Units Weight Unit = KIP Length Unit = INCH > < > < Steel Take Off Itemize Based on the PROFILE > < Total Length, Volume, Weight, and Number of Members > < Profile Names Total Length Total Volume Total Weight # of Members > < W10x E E E > < W10x E E E > < W10x E E E > < W12x E E E > < W14x E E E > < W14x E E E > < W6x E E E > <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> < ACTIVE UNITS WEIGHT KIP LENGTH INCH > < > < TOTAL LENGTH, WEIGHT AND VOLUME FOR SPECIFIED MEMBERS > < LENGTH = E+04 WEIGHT = E+01 VOLUME = E+05 >

96 Deflection Design ASD WEIGHT = kips LRFD WEIGHT = kips

97 Compare Design without and with Deflection Design
ASD Without Deflection Design WEIGHT = kips With Deflection Design WEIGHT = kips LRFD Without Deflection Design WEIGHT = kips With Deflection Design WEIGHT = kips

98 Design same example based on Cb = 1.0
Code and deflection design with Cb = 1.0 ASD Compute Cb WEIGHT = kips Specify Cb = WEIGHT = kips LRFD Compute Cb WEIGHT = kips Specify Cb = WEIGHT = kips

99 Design Similar example based on Cb = 1.0 and LL×5
Code and deflection design with Cb = 1.0 and increase the live load by a factor of 5. Area loads are distributed using two way option instead of one way Also change the 2 bays in the Z direction from 30 ft to 15 ft. ASD WEIGHT = kips LRFD WEIGHT = kips Difference = kips

100 Design Similar example based on Cb = 1.0 and LL×10
Code and deflection design with Cb = 1.0 and increase the live load by a factor of 10. Area loads are distributed using two way option instead of one way Also change the 2 bays in the Z direction from 30 ft to 15 ft. ASD WEIGHT = kips LRFD WEIGHT = kips Difference = kips

101 Stiffness Analysis versus Nonlinear Analysis
Stiffness Analysis – Load Combinations or Form Loads can be used. Nonlinear Analysis – Form Loads must be used. Load Combinations are not valid. Nonlinear Analysis – Specify type of Nonlinearity. Nonlinear Analysis – Specify Maximum Number of Cycles. Nonlinear Analysis – Specify Convergence Tolerance.

102 Nonlinear Analysis Commands

103 Design using Nonlinear Analysis Input File # 1
Geometry, Material Type, Properties, Loading ‘SW’, ‘LL’, and ‘WL’ FORM LOAD ‘A’ FROM ‘SW’ 1.4 FORM LOAD ‘B’ FROM ‘SW’ ‘LL’ 1.6 FORM LOAD ‘C’ FROM ‘SW’ ‘WL’ 1.6 ‘LL’ 0.5 FORM LOAD ‘D’ FROM ‘SW’ ‘WL’ 1.6 DEFINE PHYSICAL MEMBERS PARAMETERS MEMBER CONSTRAINTS LOAD LIST ‘A’ ‘B’ ‘C’ ‘D’ $ Activate only the FORM loads STIFFNESS ANALYSIS SAVE

104 Design using Nonlinear Analysis Input File # 2

105 Design using Nonlinear Analysis Input File # 3

106 Design using Nonlinear Analysis Input File # 3 (continue)

107 General Comparison between AISC LRFD and ASD

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