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The Royal Proclamation of 1763 and the Quebec Act.

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1 The Royal Proclamation of 1763 and the Quebec Act

2 Britain and New France Britain won the 7 years war, and by signing the treaty of Paris in 1763, France surrendered their holdings in North America. What is Britain going to do with the colony, and the French Roman Catholic people, they have inherited?

3 Options: 1.Deportation: force the French Canadiens to leave (like Acadians) 2.Maintain (status quo): Let the French keep their language, customs, laws, religion, etc. 3.Isolation: create an isolated territory for the French – like reserves for the native peoples 4.Assimilation: make French British Subjects and make them speak English, be Anglican, follow British law and customs 5.Bi-Culturalism: have both Cultures live side by side with both cultures respected and intact

4 What do the people of New France think? 1.Look at p. 75-77 in the “Canada: Revisited” textbook 2.Each group will read 1 perspective: Native Peoples, Seigneurs, French Clergy, Habitants, British Merchants 3.Answer: – What is your point of view? – what concerns you? – What do you want to happen to New France?

5 What will the British do? 1.Read p. 82: The Proclamation of 1763 2.In your groups, answer: – What option did the British choose? – What does the Proclamation do to Quebec? – What would your group think of this?

6 Proclamation of 1763: notes Treaty of Paris Treaty that ends the war (France Surrenders) New France (Quebec) falls under military rule by Britain Treat French well, but have future goal of Assimilation

7 Proclamation of 1763: notes Pontiac’s Rebellion Native groups feel threatened by British settlers and the new treaty Native Chief (Ottawa Tribe) Pontiac – tries to unite native groups and fight the British Quick Rebellion and is defeated Result: Britain is poor and doesn’t want another war

8 Proclamation of 1763: notes Royal Proclamation of 1763 Attract settlers to Quebec, and enforce British Law/ culture Limit size of Quebec – Limit French expansion – Limit French Participation in Fur Trade to make Natives happy – Reassure Natives their hunting grounds were protected – Also limits British settlers from moving West (anger) – People of 13 colonies are upset/ angry – British goal of assimilation will not happen - need to keep French from rebelling too (can’t afford another war)

9 Quebec Act Look at the Quebec Act on p. 84 on the ‘Canada: Revisited” textbook Answer: Why was this act created? What does it do with the French?

10 Quebec Act Did the Proclamation of 1763 work? (did it assimilate the French Canadiens of Quebec) Why not? No, the Proclamation did not result in the Assimilation of the French British citizens did not move north – was 97:1 French to British 1 st Governor: James Murray (British man in charge of Quebec) liked the Canadiens – Allowed French language in small courts – Did not call a British Assembly to govern (would have given the British Minority political power over French in colony) – Allowed Catholic Church to keep French loyal

11 Quebec Act Why was the Quebec Act passed by Britain in 1774? 2cd Governor: Sir Guy Carelton – Sees French Loyalty is essential due to numbers and discontent in 13 colonies – Allowed French Law and Religion – No assimilation – allow cultures to exist side by side To keep the French Loyal to Britain (no more rebellion / war) To keep the fur trade in the St. Lawrence and Ohio valley going To officially allow the French culture to exist

12 Quebec Act What did the Quebec Act do? Quebec Act Large boundary for Quebec – included Ohio River Valley French Language allowed Roman Catholic Church allowed (and could collect taxes) Ruled by appointed British Governor and council (no elected assembly) Have French civil law and British Criminal law Keep Seigneurial land system, but could give unused land through British freehold system

13 Quebec Act What was the Reaction to the Quebec Act? 1.British Settlers in Quebec? 2.French Canadiens (habitants and Seigneurs) 3.Catholic Church? 4.British settlers in 13 colonies?

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