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Day 1 Welcome Sears Roebuck Sears has….. Why would we do this…

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2 Day 1

3 Welcome Sears Roebuck Sears has….. Why would we do this…

4 Listening We’re here to help each other High Risk Factual knowledge The hardest part…. Critical Listening –Shapes us….. –Important

5 Scheduled discussion With partners

6 Assignment sheet Syllabus Grades posted –Weighted, hw, test, class, essays, Do not touch my stuff or the computers Absent? We do not have time to bleed… No late work… extension granted until…8:20 am the next day Detentions served in my room 248 from 7:50am - 8:25 am

7 Homework vs.. Studying Weighted Grades Books 5% Incentive and Ownership Nonparticipation Study Groups –Members –Benefits –Self designed –Oral Presentations

8 World Affairs Create a user name and post a response to the discussion board topic labeled Day 1

9 Day 2 Where is Iraq? What religion do most of the people in Iraq follow? Who is at war in Iraq?

10 Iraq What should the USA do next? 1. We need to first know the people, history, and region

11 Ethnic v. Linguistic v. Religious Background Define ethnic background Provide an example of an ethnic background Define religious background Provide an example of an ethnic background What is the difference between one’s religious and ethnic backgrounds

12 Ethnic group: a sizable group of people sharing a common and distinctive racial, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage.

13 Sect: Sect: a denomination of a larger religious group Islam has 2 major sects Shia (Shi’I) and Sunni

14 Religious Background Followers of Islam-- a world religion that teaches peace and toleration Split in 632 over death of Muhammad Imam, Ayatollah, Caliph:leader Shi’I, Shiite, Shi’a –Minority in world but the majority in Iraq –Followers of Ali and martyr Hussein –Equity, Social Justice, Family –History of oppression in Iraq and world


16 Sunni –Sunni Iraqi Minority but Islamic Majority –Follow Abu’Bakr –Emphasize Conformity and Social Stability –Believe their Majority status and power is a result of the rightness of faith. –In power under Saddam Hussein

17 Other religions Christians, Jews, Atheist

18 Islam's Sunni-Shiite split List 3 things Shiites and Sunni believe in common Explain the split that divided between Shiite and Sunni Why does the author think the Sunni- Shiite split is about something different than religion?

19 Day 3 Define Ethnic Background What is the religious background of most Iraqi’s? What are the major sects of Islam?

20 Level 1 ?’s Factual information Info can be found directly in text John ran in a 20 yard touch down to win the game. How many yards did john run? –John ran 20 yards.

21 Level 2 ?’s Level 2 ?’s drawn inferences Answers are understood John ran in a 20 yard touch down to win the game. What game was John playing? –John was playing football

22 Level 3 ?’s Answer big questions that can not be answered from text Questions raised from reading the text? John ran in a 20 yard touch down to win the game –Why do people need to score a touchdown to win a game?

23 Cinderella

24 Levels of questions 5 level 1 questions 3 level 2 questions 2 level 3 questions Write out question and answer

25 DAY 4 Define a level 2 question Define a level 3 question What is the difference between a level 2 and level 3 question?

26 Long path to Iraq's sectarian split Levels of questions 5 level 1 questions 3 level 2 questions 2 level 3 questions Write out question and answer 20.stm

27 Day 5 Who do Shia believe the successor to the Prophet Mohamed should be? Who do Sunni believe the successor to the Prophet Mohamed should be? What was the main point of the Sunni/Shia article?

28 Ethnic Background Kurd’s- 1/4 of population and Sunni Muslim’s –nomadic herders that live in the North –Hope to create their own nation Speak Kurdish A Kurd is a person in the Iranian-speaking ethno- linguistic group indigenous to a region often referred to as Kurdistan, an area that includes adjacent parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey.Iranian-speakingindigenousKurdistanIranIraqSyriaTurkey

29 2/3 Arab An Arab is a person whose language is Arabic, who lives in an Arabic speaking country, who is in sympathy with the aspirations of the Arabic speaking peoples. Speak Arabic

30 KurdKurd MixedMixed MixedMixed Sunni Arab Shi’a Arab SAUDIARABIA SYRIA IRAN Al Qa’im FallujahFallujah RamadiRamadi Ar Rutbah DahukDahuk Tall Afar IrbilIrbil KirkukKirkuk TikritTikrit SamarraSamarra KarbalaKarbala An Najaf As Samawah An Nasiriyah Al Kut Al Amarah Al Basrah BAGHDADBAGHDAD MosulMosul BaqubahBaqubah HillahHillah JORDAN TURKEY Iraq situated on sectarian fault lines… Regional balance and world security at stake Why Iraq is so vital to regional stability Shi’a60% Sunni20% Kurd17% Other3% Iraqi Ethnic/ Sectarian Groups Sunni Kurd Shi’a & Sunni Shi’a



33 Foldable ETHNIC BOX 1.Fold your paper into 4 sections 2.Draw an inner square that contains a part of the 4 folded squares 3. In the inner square Define Ethnic Group 2. Title the four outer square’s Sunni, Shia, Kurd, Arab 3. List the characteristics of the title in each square 4. In the inner square answer: How does the information in the four outer square connect to the information in the inner-square

34 Week Work (Mon) Define Arab? Define a Kurd ? What sect of Islam are the Kurds? Why did Saddam not like the Kurds?





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