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Kelcie Gales Trombley, 4 th Block. Manga teaches those who are interested in it about Japanese tradition, makes them want to know how to express themselves.

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Presentation on theme: "Kelcie Gales Trombley, 4 th Block. Manga teaches those who are interested in it about Japanese tradition, makes them want to know how to express themselves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kelcie Gales Trombley, 4 th Block

2 Manga teaches those who are interested in it about Japanese tradition, makes them want to know how to express themselves through this unique form of art, and helps them to be more open-minded of other countries and ideas. THESIS Picture from: http://homeusers.bru ngas/mangas.html

3 In the original mangas, people normally wore Japanese traditional clothing (Yukata, Geta Sandals, Kimono, etc.), as well as observing Japanese traditions and using sayings and words commonly used in Japan. Though this doesn’t occur quite as often anymore, mangas hold a very important part of Japanese culture and tradition. MANGA TEACHES JAPANESE TRADITION Pictures from: http://codig-

4 Manga is becoming more and more popular in countries other than Japan. Now some Americans and people from other nations are also creating mangas of their own! It’s becoming easier to find skilled manga artists outside of Japan every day. MANGA GIVES PEOPLE A NEW, UNIQUE WAY TO EXPRESS THEMSELVES THROUGH ART  Jim Henson’s Return to Labyrinth is an original English Manga. Picture from: http://en.wikipedi n_to_Labyrinth

5 You have undoubtedly heard of “The Lion King” by Disney. However, the original idea was created by Osamu Tezuka in a manga called “Kimba the White Lion” or “Jungle Taitei.” Disney stole the ideas and denied it. Obvious similarities can be seen in the pictures below… DISNEY VS. OSAMU TEZUKA "Kimba The White Lion: Kimba W. Lion's Corner of the Web." Kimba The White Lion: Kimba W. Lion's Corner of the Web. Web. 14 Mar. 2012.

6 People all over the world have been affected by this revolutionary new art style. It makes them more interested in learning more about Japan and other cultures that are mentioned or used as settings in different mangas. There is a lot more research put into some mangas (which are usually the most successful ones) than one might be able to judge from face value (Fullmetal Alchemist, for example, has extensive study on medieval alchemy, but is also based off some other things that you wouldn’t expect, such as a quote by Ben Franklin: “I have never seen the Philosopher's Stone that turns lead into Gold, but I have known the pursuit of it turn a Man's Gold into Lead.”). MANGA HELPS PEOPLE TO BECOME MORE OPEN-MINDED WITH OTHER COUNTRIES OR NEW IDEAS Picture from: http://myanimeli picid=206402

7 "How to Have an Open Mind | Learn This." Learn This. Web. 14 Mar. 2012.. "Manga!!" トップページ. Web. 14 Mar. 2012.. "Manga." Web. 14 Mar. 2012.. "Art & Culture of Japan: Home." Discover Indonesia : Home. Web. 14 Mar. 2012.. "The History of Anime and Manga." Nova Online Home Page. Web. 14 Mar. 2012.. "What Shôjo Manga Are and Are Not." What Shôjo Manga Are and Are Not. Web. 14 Mar. 2012.. WORKS CITED

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