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Transformative Assessment EDUCAUSE NLII Coalition for Networked Information TLT Group Flashlight Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Transformative Assessment EDUCAUSE NLII Coalition for Networked Information TLT Group Flashlight Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transformative Assessment EDUCAUSE NLII Coalition for Networked Information TLT Group Flashlight Program

2 Transformative Assessment Program Overview Institutional Issues Readiness Factors Lessons Learned Campus Implementation

3 Transformative Assessment Institution-wide assessment strategies that are designed based on institutional goals to improve student learning, and implemented in an aligned, integrated way for all levels (course, program, institution) to systematically transform teaching and learning

4 Transformative Assessment Involves... New ideas about assessment practices Teaching, learning, technology Links to institutional transformation and goals

5 TAP Project - 3 Modules Focus Session Online Course Community of Practice

6 TAP Project - Working on 3 Levels Conceptual Transformation Link to Mission Practical Readiness Techniques Social Organizational Issues Collaboration

7 Alignment Programmatic Outcome (who learns, what they learned, etc.) & Strategy Assessment – Use of Data Mission Statement Budget Process Program Dev Staff Dev Admissions Legislative/Alumni Capital plans (etc.) Steve Ehrmann, TLT Group

8 Triads Outcome/goal Activity/structure Technology/other elements

9 Triad Virtual spaces; communications Staff good at collaboration; outside partnerships Plentiful interaction, formal and informal, including outsiders Community, during & after college Technology(s) and other needed elements Activity-StructureOutcome/Goal Steve Ehrmann, TLT Group

10 TAP Institutions Need To: Have a commitment to the improvement of teaching and learning Have a systemic focus on change Have a specific campus focus(s) for change Involve technology in teaching and learning Integrate assessment into the planning of transformation of T&L

11 Institutional Support Top level support for: Mission of transformation Commitment of resources Development of an infrastructure for assessment Commitment to act on knowledge gained through assessment

12 Environmental Factors External pressure for accountability Major investments in technology Desire to improve overall effectiveness of T&L Suspicion of value of assessment Lack of resources for assessment Interest in narrow or incremental improvements Promoting TAP Hindering TAP

13 “Name that change” What is important in your institution? Uncover institutional documents that can be used to develop a framework for assessment Focus on transformative goals related to teaching and learning

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