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K -means clustering via Principal Component Analysis (Chris Ding and Xiaofeng He, ICML 2004) 03 March 2011 Kwak, Namju 1.

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Presentation on theme: "K -means clustering via Principal Component Analysis (Chris Ding and Xiaofeng He, ICML 2004) 03 March 2011 Kwak, Namju 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 K -means clustering via Principal Component Analysis (Chris Ding and Xiaofeng He, ICML 2004) 03 March 2011 Kwak, Namju 1

2 Overview By adopting the PCA technique while performing K -means clustering, we can give upper and lower bounds to the K -means clustering objective function. PCA-guided K -means clustering –Before performing K -means clustering, get cluster membership indicator vectors q i ’s. –Determine members of each cluster C i by q i. –Calculate centroids m i ’s from C i ’s. –With m i ’s as initial centroids, perform K -means clustering until convergence. Cluster centroid subspace –Project data points onto the dimension-reduced subspace, then perform clustering. Connectivity Analysis –Determine cluster membership without K -means iterations. 2

3 Introduction 3

4 2 -way Clustering 4

5 J D is always positive. Theorem For K=2, minimization of K -means cluster objective function J K is equivalent to maximization of the distance objective J D, which is always positive. 5

6 2 -way Clustering 6

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11 K -way Clustering 11

12 K -way Clustering Then, where Redundancies in H K. Remove this redundancy by (a) performing a linear transformation T into q k 's where T=(t ij ) is a K×K orthonormal matrix ( T T T=I ) and (b) requiring that the last column of T is Therefore, always, 12

13 K -way Clustering The mutual orthogonality of h k implies that of q k. When Now the K -means objective can be written as J K does not distinguish the original data { x i } and the centered data { y i }. Optimization of J K becomes 13

14 K -way Clustering 14

15 Cluster Centroid Subspace 15

16 Cluster Centroid Subspace 16

17 Cluster Centroid Subspace Proposition In cluster subspace, between-cluster distances remain nearly as in original space, while within-cluster distances are reduced. 17

18 Kernel K -means clustering and Kernel PCA K -means clustering can be viewed as using the standard dot- product (Gram matrix). Thus it can be easily extended to any other kernels. with kernel matrix 18

19 Kernel K -means clustering and Kernel PCA 19

20 Recovering K Clusters Once the K-1 principal components q k are computed, how to recover the non-negative cluster indicators h k, therefore the clusters themselves? The key is to compute the orthonormal transformation T. Theorem The linear transformation T is formed by the K eigenvectors of Γ specified by – α ij are K(K-1)/2 arbitrary positive numbers that sum-to-one. 20

21 Connectivity Analysis 21

22 Experiment 4029 gene expression on human lymphoma are classified into 9 classes. 200 out of 4029 are selected based on F-statistic. 3 too small classes are ignored. ( K=6 ) The cluster structure are embedded in the first K -1=5 principal components. In this 5-dimensional eigenspace we perform K -means clustering. 22

23 Experiment Confusion matrix – b kl =number of samples being clustered into class k, but actually belonging to class l. –Clustering accuracy 23

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