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Unit 8 附件 The emergency treatment for an injured or sick person before professional medical care. First aid.

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2 Unit 8

3 附件 The emergency treatment for an injured or sick person before professional medical care. First aid

4 Word collection Warming-up What words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid?

5 Brainstorm What words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid? First aid drown bleed choke Burn/catch fire cut electrical wound ambulance unconscious …

6 Look at the pictures on the next slide and consider the following two questions carefully. 1.What would you do in these situations? 2.What could we do to prevent these accidents? Pair Work


8 If a person has stopped breathing after falling into the water, we’d better press a hand on his chest many times, and then use the mouth- to- mouth method to start the person’s breathing again Learn how to swim.Never swim alone. Don’t swim in dangerous waters.


10 Call for a doctor or an ambulance Never remove the sufferer/victim If the victim is bleeding seriously, you should try to stop his or her bleeding. Follow the traffic rules and be careful when crossing the street. Never use a cell phone while you are driving, riding a bike or walking on a busy street.Never run in traffic.

11 If someone is badly burnt,we should call 120 to ask for an ambulance. Never play with fire. Be careful with gas. Make sure that all the electric wires are safe.

12 If someone has been burnt slightly,we should ask the injured person to wash the injured part under the tap and then cover it with a loose clean bandage.


14 We’d better try to stop the blood from bleeding. The same is true for cuts. If somebody is badly injured, we should not remove it until we get a doctor. If the wound is not serious, we can cover it with a loose clean bandage.

15 If the cut is not serious, we can wash the area of cut,dry it and cover it with a piece of dry and clean cloth.


17 If a person is choking,you should wrap your arms around the person’s waist, and then press into the upper waist with a quick push upwards

18 To prevent choking,don’t eat too fast and don’t forget to chew your food. Don’t talk or laugh while having food in the mouth.

19 listening

20 1.Listen to the tape. What happened to each child? Child1 ________________________ Child2 ________________________ The boy was bitten by a dog. The girl drank some ink.

21 Child 1 Child 2 When did it happen? Was any first aid given? If so what was given? Pair work. listen again and finish the form. Yesterday evening About half an hour ago Yes No The father washed the wound, dried it and tied a clean piece of cloth around it.

22 Listen once again and complete the nurse ’ s questions. 1.Can____________________________? 2.What’s _________________________? 3.What did you do ______________________? 4.Does _____________________? I help you the matter with it before bringing him here it hurt(ache)

23 What’s your first aid IQ?

24 1.Your friend has an asthma( 哮喘 ) attack, but she doesn't have her medicine. You’d better: A. Get a paper bag for her to breathe into. B. Get her a cup of coffee. C. Take her outside for fresh air. Explanation:caffeine contained in coffee is helpful to enlarge your airway.

25 2.You should wait at least five minutes before touching somebody who has been struck by lightening( 闪电 ), or you might get a shock( 打击 ). A. True B. False

26 3. The best way to treat a hurt ankle( 踝关 节 ) is to: A. Put an ice pack on your ankle. B. Put a heating pad( 电热垫 ) around your ankle. C. Keep on walking and jumping.

27 4. If you get a nosebleed( 鼻出血 ), gently let your head back to stop the bleeding. A. True B. False Tip: It’ll cause choke with blood flowing into your throat.

28 5. To treat a burn, you: A. Rub( 涂, 擦 ) some butter on it. B. Hold the burnt part under cold running water. C. Put salt on the burnt part.

29 6. To treat a choke, you should make him/her spit by patting him/her on the back. A. True B. False

30 7. If someone is having a heart attack, you should first: A. Call 120 B. Perform CPR( 心肺复苏 )

31 Assessment of results All correct: Congratulations! You have a good knowledge of first aid. Maybe you will become a first aid expert in the near future. 4 ~ 6: You have some knowledge of first aid, but you should work harder and learn more about it. 0 ~ 3: It seems that you are not interested in first aid. If an emergency happens to the people around you, you will have some trouble in helping them.

32 Home work 1.Preview the text in this unit 2.Search as much information as you can about first aid aid/ http://kids aid_safe/


34 Call 119 first and tell them the exact address on the phone.

35 Go to the hospital at once. Never pull it out of the cut. We should pay more attention to safety while working.

36 Go to the hospital at once. Never pull it out of the cut. We should pay more attention to safety while working.

37 If a person is choking,you should wrap your arms around the person’s waist,then make a fist and place the thumb side of the fist against the person’s upper abdomen.Next grasp your fist with the other hand and press into the upper abdomen with a quick push upwards

38 Pair work Discussion. 1. What would you do in these situations? 2.What could we do to prevent these accidents?

39 Pair work (dialogue making) 1.suppose you were the nurse, you would tell your friend what happened during your work after you go home. 2.suppose you were the father or mother,when your child has grown up,you would tell what once happened to him/her. 3.make up a dialogue similar to those on the tape, using other accidents/injuries.

40 You may start the dialogue like this: ____ Hey, how was your work today? ____ Not too bad, just as usual. ____ Is there anything you’d like to share with me? ____ Oh,yeah,today a lovely boy/girl was taken to me… ____Hi,Dad/Mum,what are you doing there? ____The film just remind me of sth about you many years ago. ____ Oh, really?! What’s that?Tell me please…

41 Group work Have you ever been in such accidents?If you have,when,where and what happened? Make a survey in your group.

42 What happened to the girl? What can we do to help her before the doctor comes?


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