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Presentation on theme: "SECURITY REQUIREMENTS AND MANAGEMENT: Presentation By: Guillermo Dijk."— Presentation transcript:


2 CorporationCorporation Protections needed against attacks, such as: Why Is Security so Important? Key Compromise (prevented by dynamic keys) Key Compromise (prevented by dynamic keys) Data Integrity Attacks (prevented by stronger security like IPSec) Data Integrity Attacks (prevented by stronger security like IPSec) Data Confidentiality Attacks (prevented by higher encryption levels) Data Confidentiality Attacks (prevented by higher encryption levels) Man-in-the-middle Attacks (prevented by mutual authentication) Man-in-the-middle Attacks (prevented by mutual authentication) Brute Force Attacks (prevented by complex encryption algorithms) Brute Force Attacks (prevented by complex encryption algorithms) Hardware Theft (prevented by user authentication, vs. device) Hardware Theft (prevented by user authentication, vs. device)

3 Security Requirements and Management: Outline:Outline: 1.Security Mgmt framework 2.Identity and Access Mgmt. 2.Threat Mgmt. 3.Security resource Information Mgmt. 4.Fire Walls 5.Risk Assessment

4 Security Management Framework : Define Policy Define Scope Assess risks Manage Risks Select Controls Statement of applicability Information assets Results and conclusions Control options Selected controls Threats, Vulnerabilities, Impacts, Approach, Assurance required AS/NZS 4444, Additional controls Documented outcomes

5 Access Control Management:

6 Threat Management: Identify Threats Establish Information System Controls Perform Regular Audits of Information System Human Error Computer Abuse and Crime Natural and Political Disasters Hardware and Software Failures Ensure Security, Privacy and Confidentiality through: General Controls Application Controls Check Effectiveness and Efficiency Of System Controls with: Financial Audits Operational Audits Source: Zwass, p. 517

7 Security Resource Management:

8 Firewalls: 1. Application gateways: Filters packets on application data as well as on IP/TCP/UDP fields.Filters packets on application data as well as on IP/TCP/UDP fields. host-to-gateway telnet session gateway-to-remote host telnet session application gateway router and filter 2. Packet Filtering: Internal network is connected to Internet through a router. Router manufacturer provides options for filtering packets, based on: source IP address destination IP address TCP/UDP source and destination port numbers ICMP message type TCP SYN and ACK bits Two firewall types: 1. packet filter 2. application gateways

9 Risk Assessment Process Flow:

10 Attack Sophistication vs Intruder Technical Knowledge

11 Conclusion: The art of Security Management requires attention to the smallest detail while never losing sight of the big picture.

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