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"We need kids who don't just do what they're told but who are self-directed.” Ken Kay, Partnership for 21 st Century Skills ~ USA Today, March 4, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: ""We need kids who don't just do what they're told but who are self-directed.” Ken Kay, Partnership for 21 st Century Skills ~ USA Today, March 4, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 "We need kids who don't just do what they're told but who are self-directed.” Ken Kay, Partnership for 21 st Century Skills ~ USA Today, March 4, 2009 ~ linklink

2 USA Today, March 4, 2009 ~ linklink

3 USA Today, March 4, 2009 ~ linklink You don’t have to make this choice. Good educational practice requires both.

4 Image: On to the SuperSizing …

5 Digging into the four standards 1.Work alone. 2.Cut and paste items in all but last column. 3.Mark aha moments and advocacy/PR/ survival kit ideas in the last column. Move quickly! To know the Standards, you have to interact with them.

6 Jigsaw! Divide into groups Share: - aha moments … - new information … - problems … - worries … -excitement …

7 Whole Group Reflection

8 What You Discussed

9 From Gigi Lincoln: Visit REMC 12’s great Standards resources: Gigi being honored in NYC at the ALA/NYTimes “I Love My Librarian” awards



12 {ice cream break}

13 Remember back on Friday night when we looked at the Colorado Learner’s Bill of Rights? Now it’s your turn.

14 Colorado Learner’s Bill of Rights The learner has the right to: 1. question and be curious. 2. have personal ideas. 3. choose how to learn and share understanding. 4. plan and participate in learning at a level that’s appropriate. 5. grapple with challenging ideas or concepts. 6. access the information and resources needed. 7. participate in and contribute to a learning network. 8. think critically, solve problems and make decisions. 9. make mistakes and learn from them. 10. reflect on learning. (

15 Think like an entrepreneur... What message do your students/teachers/administrators need to hear in order to bridge the perception gap?

16 Your Task Use the conversations we’ve had to create a poster that might bridge that gap. What is your manifesto about your relationship to student learning? Need a starting point? Consider these poster titles: “What Your Library Can Do For You” “What You Can Expect From Your School Library” “We Can Help You Learn By ____________”

17 Hit the Ground Running School Library Media Activities Monthly magazine SLMAM blog Knowledge Quest journal (free with ALA/AASL membership or available through Teacher Librarian magazine Infomancy Blog by Christopher Harris

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