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WHS Beta Club 2015-2016 FEBRUARY MEETING Be sure to write your first and last name and grade on a ticket and drop it in the container before you leave.

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Presentation on theme: "WHS Beta Club 2015-2016 FEBRUARY MEETING Be sure to write your first and last name and grade on a ticket and drop it in the container before you leave."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHS Beta Club 2015-2016 FEBRUARY MEETING Be sure to write your first and last name and grade on a ticket and drop it in the container before you leave.

2 In-Club Opportunities:  Valentines Notes/Treats for Teachers and staff  We need candy and Valentine-themed stickers.  Bring in items along with your receipt.  You receive 1 hour of in-club credit for each $10 you spend  We will make and assemble the notes February 8 & 9 during homeroom.  You will receive 1/2 of an in-club hour for each session you attend.

3 In-Club Opportunities  Haircuts From the Heart  CustoMIZE Cuts Salon will be providing free haircuts for the less fortunate at The Lot Project on February 13 th.  We will be collecting travel size toiletry items and clothing for this event. 8 travel size item = 1 in-club hour or 4 pieces of clothing (clothes must be in good shape). Must be received by February 11 th.  Supplies for Sailors  We will be collecting toiletry and food items for sailors through March 24 th. Please get one of our flyers for more information  We will make cards and posters for the sailors in the library on March 21 st, 22 nd, and 23 rd during advisory and after school on March 22 nd from 3:40-4:30.  Donations of seasonal items would also be appreciated.

4 In-Club hours Mixers February 23 rd rescheduled for Feb. 25 th due to faculty meeting. Location TBD. March 22 nd  After school in the library 3:40-4:30  I will provide drinks. Please bring a snack to share but it is NOT required.

5 Relay For Life 5K  February 13 th  $15 fee to run the 5K  Get two hours for competing in the race or check with Mrs. Fisher (Room 807) to see if she needs volunteers.

6 Beta Club Convention Trip  For members going on the trip we will meet on February 3 rd during advisory to go over trip details. If you can’t attend, see me after school on the 3 rd.  All money is now due.

7 Join Beta Beta Class Code: xk0qnfh


9 Next Meeting: March 7 th

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