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Seminar Advances in E-Business 2010 Lecture 2: 15 February 2010, 17:00-20:30 hours, Beleidslab, Utrecht University Johan Versendaal

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Presentation on theme: "Seminar Advances in E-Business 2010 Lecture 2: 15 February 2010, 17:00-20:30 hours, Beleidslab, Utrecht University Johan Versendaal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminar Advances in E-Business 2010 Lecture 2: 15 February 2010, 17:00-20:30 hours, Beleidslab, Utrecht University Johan Versendaal (,, with Robbert Kusters (,

2 E-Business Basics

3 3 E-Business models - 1 E-shops E-procurement E-malls E-auctions Virtual Communities Collaboration Platforms Third-party Marketplaces Value-chain Integrators Value-chain Service Providers Information Brokerage Timmers, P. (1999). E-Commerce Strategies, Chichester: Wiley and Sons.

4 4 Sell-side related ebusiness models

5 5 Buy-side related ebusiness models

6 6 SCM-related ebusiness models

7 7 Other ebusiness models

8 In detail: E-Procurement

9 Procurement business function Collaborative design Direct Indirect Assets Type of materials:

10 E-procurement of indirect materials

11 Voorbeeld model - Kraljic- matrix Ondernemend samenwerken Transactioneel samenwerken

12 ICT for procurement - 1

13 ICT for procurement - 2

14 Horizontal teams 1.Finance and sponsoring (in collaboration with Sticky) (1 pers) 2.Trip (2 pers) 3.Marketing + website (2 pers) 4.Human resources, project progress, support, IT (1 pers) E-sourcing exercise (Robbert)

15 Planning Form product teams: today. 2 persons per team Form horizontal teams First version product definition by February (presentation 26 February) Find sponsoring Find SMEs asap (UU only) Further: schedule of meetings.

16 Horizontal team and other details

17 Previous assignment (per duo) Identify e-business trends from –22 nd edition of Bled conference –Proceedings ECIS 2009 –Two trend/white papers Put results in 4 slide presentation Identify a possible e-business killer app, using Product Definition Template Put this in a 5 th slide of your presentation, with logic behind your choice Submit your 5-slide presentation to me en Robbert by 12 Feb 2010

18 New assignment – due week of 1 March Fine tune e-application identification (using Product Definition template) Define project plan (using milestone-template: correct, make complete, fill in) Explore last year’s documentatation Identify activities per horizontal team (in slide) Plan activities per horizontal team (in slide) Find sponsors Find SME for the reverse-auctioning (only for UU)

19 Milestone template

20 Planning upcoming meetings Bi-weekly until June 2010 Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, maybe depending on sub-timeframe Location: HU, UU. Next meeting: ?

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