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MCPL An I/O API Output Module for MM5 Carlie J. Coats, Jr. MCNC Environmental Modeling Center

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Presentation on theme: "MCPL An I/O API Output Module for MM5 Carlie J. Coats, Jr. MCNC Environmental Modeling Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 MCPL An I/O API Output Module for MM5 Carlie J. Coats, Jr. MCNC Environmental Modeling Center

2 MCPL Outline  Fits directly into MM5  Minimum of code changes to MM5  Works with both MM5v2 and MM5v3  Produces I/O API outputs directly  For SMOKE, MAQSIP, CMAQ*, Vis5D, TOPLATS,...  Very fast and efficient  Profiling result: 31.8 seconds in 26,482-second MM5 run on IBM SP  Very flexible and powerful  Designed for easy modification/maintenance  “ boring code”  Extensively documented:

3 Fits Directly into MM5  Non-hydrostatic shared-memory-mode MM5 only  Is OpenMP-parallel (one task per output file)  New directory MM5/mcpl contains MCPL and its worker routines  13-line modification to mm5.F, 4-line modification to solve.F (including fix to calculation of XTIME), 5-line modification to MM5/Makefile  Entry MCPL_GRID does set-up, file-creation  Entry MCPL_OUT does output at each time step  Entry MCPL_KF2 does Kain-Fritsch convective-cloud processing and output

4 I/O API Outputs  Time-Independent sigma-level  GRID_BDY_2D, GRID_BDY_3D, GRID_CRO_2D, GRID_CRO_3D, GRID_DOT_2D  Time-Dependent sigma-level  MET_BDY_2D, MET_BDY_3D, MET_CRO_2D, MET_CRO_3D, MET_DOT_3D  Time-Dependent pressure-level-interpolated  PRES_CRO_3D, PRES_DOT_3D  Contain interpolation coefficients (e.g., to calculate isobaric ozone)  KF-event  MET_KF_PRO, MET_KF_SCA  Variables: MM5-native + air quality related + “other”

5 Very Flexible  Multiple output windows per MM5 domain  Each window has its own file-set  Each window has its own starting date, starting time, time step  Time step down to MM5 advection-step  Each file has its own variables-list  Works for both file and coupling modes of the Models- 3 I/O API  Configured at MM5 program launch by environment variables  Because of the flexibility, this list is quite long but well standardized for particular applications (e.g., for air quality work)  See

6 Advantages  Very efficient computationally  Supports robust modeling protocols  meteorology input file time step should be smaller than cell size divided by maximum PBL wind speed (otherwise, gravity waves will cause AQM conservation problems)  Reduces resource consumption: one can configure MM5 to output just what files are required for the study being performed  Can look at/analyze/QA the MM5 output while MM5 is still running  Many additional diagnostic variables (e.g., sea-level pressure)

7 Unique Applications of MCPL  Numerical air quality prediction (NAQP)  Unified MM5-Chem model  Coupled modeling systems  Cooperating-process coupled models using the I/O API coupling mode  MM5-SMOKE-AQM for air quality forecasting  MM5-TOPLATS/SSATS(-SMOKE-AQM) for enhanced groundwater/land-surface/surface-flux treatment

8 NAQP (Simplified)


10 Comparison MCPL vs MCIP

11 Vertical W-Wind Cross-section

12 Virtual Temperature Cross-section

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