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Draft model for the Annual and Final implementation report under the Investment for Growth and Jobs goal 12 th meeting of the Expert Group on Delegated.

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Presentation on theme: "Draft model for the Annual and Final implementation report under the Investment for Growth and Jobs goal 12 th meeting of the Expert Group on Delegated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Draft model for the Annual and Final implementation report under the Investment for Growth and Jobs goal 12 th meeting of the Expert Group on Delegated and Implementing Acts for the ESI Funds 28 June 2013 Marko Prijatelj Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy 28.06.20131

2 New draft adjusted 28.06.2013 2 Based on most recent compromise text on Monitoring and Evaluation of 29 May 2013 and Article 15iv(2) ESF Regulation OP template version of 21 May 2013 MS comments on the first draft of 4 April 2013 Other issues Input values to be introduced later/adjustment with OP template still needed

3 Compromise text 28.06.2013 3 Article 44(2) CPR New point 4 - synthesis of evaluations New point 9 - Ex-ante conditonalities can be also in 2016 report Article 44(3)CPR New point 11.5. - Role of partners (Article 5 CPR) Article 101(3) CPR Wording, added points in 11, 12,14 Progress report option – clarified where option exists Article 15iv(2) ESF Regulation New point 5 – information on the implementation of the YEI

4 OP template -New cross-referencing to the corresponding tables or points in the draft OP template -Changes in columns from OP template have been included in the tables -Citizens report (point 7) – free form and no character limits 28.06.2013 4

5 MS comments/other issues I. Tables: a.) Indicators: -TA tables integrated in the indicator tables -Tables 3a and 3b merged – now table 3 -Tables ESF adjusted -Table 6 – clarified the required input (C/A), clarification on financial corrections b.) Financial: -Table 7 – added column -Tables 8a and 8b merged -New tables 9-11 – reporting on the flexibility to use cross-financing (Article 89 CPR) and operations outside programming areas (Art 60 COR and Art 13 ESF) – manual input 28.06.2013 5

6 MS comments/other issues 28.06.2013 6 c.) Major projects/JAP -Single table – no more division on-going/completed -Better definition of current progress of MP – to choose one of the options II. Character limits - Limits introduced for observations/commentaries in the tables - Limits increased – point 3.1, 11.1 III. Other -Deleted point 6 on observations concerning previous annual implementation report -Restructuring of points 11-14

7 Q/A 28.06.2013 7 65 questions, suggestions General issues: -character limits adjusted, restructuring, less tables, adding legal basis where missing - N+3 (PL) - the references of the years will be adjusted upon agreement of the co-legislators

8 28.06.20138 issuecommentMS Which way of transferring of the AIR does the Commission prefer? General The AIR is submitted to the Commission solely via SFC2014. All tables and text fields from the template will be found in SFC2014. Tables will aligned as far as possible automatically with the intervention logic and indicators of the OP and will be pre-filled wherever possible Paper versions or electronic documents will not be accepted CZ Structure of the fields/contentGeneral No legal basis, not needed on the level of IA CZ Info same as in Article 102 CPRTables 7,8 Tables are based on information inserted under the operational programme and on the basis of the information provided by the Member States in accordance with Article 102 of the CPR. No additional information is needed in the tables EE column „total eligible expenditure declared by beneficiaries to the managing authority“. It is not clear which phase of financial progress is it? Tables 7/8 Amounts of payment applications sent by beneficiaries to managing authority CZ Planned start of construction phase/planned completition date of construction Table 10 MP Kept original formulation. Implementation is more than just construction phase. MP need to be in use. PT Date of signature of first contract Table 10 MP AgreedPT

9 Q/A 28.06.2013 9 Indicator tables: General: annual/cumulative values Source of indicators Performance table: 2014/2015 Key implementation steps Specific: ERDF ESF

10 Thank you for your attention! 10 Written comments can be sent until 12 July to: REGIO-DELEGATED-AND-IMPLEMENTING-

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