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Leader+ Observatory Conference: ‘Leader achievements: a diversity of territorial experience’ 22-23 November 2007 Évora/Portugal Leader+ Smålandsgruppen.

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Presentation on theme: "Leader+ Observatory Conference: ‘Leader achievements: a diversity of territorial experience’ 22-23 November 2007 Évora/Portugal Leader+ Smålandsgruppen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leader+ Observatory Conference: ‘Leader achievements: a diversity of territorial experience’ 22-23 November 2007 Évora/Portugal Leader+ Smålandsgruppen European Commission

2 The panel  Klas Håkansson, LAG chairman since 3 yrs  Stig Davidsson, vice chairman in Leader  Ewa Engdahl, LAG manager  Magnus Färjhage, project promoter ”Ramkvilla”,  Susanne Johansson, project promoter ”Possibilities with wood from foliferous trees”  Hans-Olof Stålgren, Swedish Leader+ Network  Mårten Sandström, Swedish Managing Authority  Thomas Norrby, moderator --  Xavier Delmon, Rapporteur  Pedro Afonso Fernandes, Evaluator  George McDowell, “External eye”

3 This session  Presentation of the panel and session  ”The Swedish way of Leader”  LAG-meeting with agenda  Beehive & questions  Evaluators questions  Closing words

4 Leaderplus in Sweden Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications Swedish National Rural Development Agency Swedish Board of Agriculture The Swedish Network for Leader+

5 ”The Swedish way of Leader+”  Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications  Charing the Monitoring committee  Operating Managing Authority x2  MA1: Swedish National Rural Development Agency  Initial national plan for Leader+  Responsible for selection process of LAG (12 out of 25)  Closing the Leader+ program  MA2: Swedish Board of Agriculture  Assisting LAGs on legal and fiscal details  Paying authority  New MA for 2007-2013 (approx 70 groups in progress)  12 LAG-groups  Regional plans based on themes  Project promoters ”doing the job”  LAG = Deciding body

6 Topics which we will elaborate on  Our way of applying the Leader-method  How we have organized ourselves  Cooperation  Our own evaluation – what and why?  Improved governance  Improved competetiveness  Improved sustainablility  If we could start all over again…  what would you have done differently  and what will you do in the future?

7 Welcome to our LAG-meeting. Mr Chairman, the floor is yours.

8 The board of Smålandsgruppen=LAG VetlandaTingsryd Uppvidinge Regional Advisor in Rural dev. Youth representative S ä vsj ö LesseboEmmaboda Nybro H ö gsby Chairman Manager Economical asssistance

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