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Selective waste collection solving a.k.a. drawing people’s attention 1.Our aim was to get general information about public opinions/habits 2.Send the.

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2 Selective waste collection solving a.k.a. drawing people’s attention 1.Our aim was to get general information about public opinions/habits 2.Send the results and the suggestions from the people to the mayor of the district to draw his attention

3 Survey We made a non-representative survey on the 23rd of January (2012). We asked at beehive places 10-10 people in 4 age groups (15-25; 25-35 ;35-60 ; over 60) who were living in a condominium. The questions were about habits and knowledge of selective waste collection and opinions about this topic.



6 ->Most of the people don’t know what will happen -> they select because they follow the trends ->the media effected on them



9 Hazard waste

10 37 out of 40 people knew what is considered to be hazard waste (92,5%) The responders usually replied something connected with electricity ( accumulators,abtteries, light bulbs) ->Only a few mentioned generic drugs and exhausted oil

11 The solution according to responders:

12 Some slogans from the responders,which they thought could be motivating: >Save the planet, save the future of the youngs! >Don’t let us live in garbage! >We need even your help, who read this to save this planet! >It’s not the planet,which will be destroyed… >Find the joy of selective collecting! >It is only 2 minutes for you! >You are garbage if you don’t collect selectively garbage!

13 Thank you for your attention!

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