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Whose job is it anyway? Sarah Smith, Karen Wheatley & Abbie English.

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2 Whose job is it anyway? Sarah Smith, Karen Wheatley & Abbie English

3 Admissions process review Use of comparable data Change in entry policies More competitive applicants needed Changes to 14 – 19 education Changes in IAG provision responsibility To summarise so far…

4 How do you feel universities can best help schools, colleges and advisers?

5 16 – 18: put in rank order Campus based subject experience days for students E-mentoring with current university graduates Information about finance Information and advice on how to make the most of applying to higher education Opportunities for school/college students to connect with undergraduates Specific information about individual universities Support for teachers/advisers on up to date higher education information Support for students with information on up to date higher education information Support for students with personal statements Sustained, progressive engagement with Year 12/Year 13 students

6 16 – 18: the results

7 11 – 16: put in rank order Campus based experiences including subject tasters Campus based experiences with sessions on student life Information and advice regarding option choice Impartial information and advice about higher education Information about finance Opportunity for pupils to meet with undergraduates Raising aspiration activities in school Raising aspiration activities on campus Specific information about individual universities Sustained, progressive engagement with targeted students

8 11 – 16: the results

9 What can we do about it? What can we be doing to support post 16 students? What can we be doing to support pre16 students? What can we be doing to support you and your colleagues? What can we be doing to support parents and carers?

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